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Multi App Kiosk Mode: access control in shared technology environments

Agustín Romero 10/12/2024

Multi App Kiosk Mode offers a comprehensive solution for managing multiple applications and controlling access on public devices, ensuring security and functionality in multi-user environments.

Azure Arc: the hybrid cloud server management platform for enterprises

Equipo Comunicacion 25/09/2024

Azure Arc is a Microsoft platform that allows you to manage physical servers and virtual machines, both in Azure and in local or third-party environments; Find out in this article how it can help you simplify the management of your servers and improve the efficiency of your business;

Cloud computing: the key to digital transformation in the age of AI

Equipo Comunicacion 12/03/2024

In an era of rapid technological evolution, AI and cloud computing have become pillars of digital transformation; Find out how these technologies leverage each other and the challenges to consider;