Kit consulting

Kit consulting

Boost the Digital Transformation of your SME

I want help!

Kit Consulting programme co-financed by the Next Generation (EU) funds of the Recovery and Resilience Facility

What is the Kit Consulting Programme?

Kit Consulting is a Spanish Government initiative that provides SMEs with financial support to design their roadmap towards digital transformation.

Aid Details:

The support consists of a Digital Advice Voucher, the amount of which depends on the size of the company:
Companies with 10 to less than 50 employees: 12.000 €
Companies with 50 to less than 100 employees: 18.000 €
Companies with 100 to less than 250 employees: 24.000 €

Who is it for?

The Kit Consulting Programme is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with between 10 and less than 250 employees, offering them advisory services to boost their digitisation.

What advisory services does Pasiona offer?

  • The Integrated Digital Advisor will be responsible for carrying out various tasks essential for the effective implementation of an artificial intelligence plan:

    1. Select key databases for the development of AI algorithms, thus improving the understanding of your small or medium-sized business information.
    2. Support you in establishing procedures for data management in compliance with AI regulations, ensuring its accuracy and authenticity for AI use.
    3. Evaluate specific AI tools for data management and provide recommendations that fit your company’s financial possibilities and real needs.
    4. Provide guidance on how AI methods can extract useful insights from existing data to strengthen strategic decisions.
    5. Instruct you in the strategic application of AI methods in data management.
    6. Design and implement a specific case study for your business, focusing on the use of artificial intelligence.
    Price range: 6,000-8,000 euros
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  • The Embedded Digital Advisor will be responsible for carrying out various tasks to ensure the effective implementation of a basic data analytics plan:

    1. Determine which data about your small or medium-sized enterprise can improve the understanding of the information you hold.
    2. Evaluate different artificial intelligence tools for data processing and visualisation, suggesting the most suitable one according to your company’s situation and the investment needed to implement it.
    3. Create valuable information by using artificial intelligence algorithms to process the data.
    4. Provide you with guidance on how to use the data using the selected tool.
    5. Optionally, offer advice on data governance, administration and quality control processes in accordance with the UNE 0077 “Data Governance”, UNE 0078 “Data Management” and UNE 0079 “Data Quality Management” standards.
    6. Design and implement a practical case study adapted to the business environment for basic level data analysis.
    7. Identify possible opportunities or applications of artificial intelligence in data analysis.
    Price range: 6,000-8,000 euros
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  • The Digital Adherent Advisor will be responsible for carrying out various activities to ensure the successful implementation of the advanced data analytics plan:

    • Identify your SME’s data, assess it and evaluate its use in combination with other sources.
    • Generate and extract valuable information through data processing using artificial intelligence algorithms to improve data-driven decision making.
    • Provide you with advice on understanding your SME’s data and how to use data management tools.
    • Optionally, it can advise you on the evaluation of the capacity of the governance, management and data quality processes, following the UNE 0080 specification “Evaluation Guide for Governance, Management and Data Quality Management” and the UNE 0081 specification “Data Quality Evaluation Guide”.
    • Develop and execute a use case adapted to your SME, using artificial intelligence techniques in advanced data analysis.
    • Identify opportunities or possible applications of artificial intelligence in the field of advanced data analysis.
    Rango de precios: 7.000-9.000 euros
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  • The Associate Digital Advisor will be responsible for carrying out various tasks to ensure the proper development of your basic cyber security plan. The service offered will allow you to:

    • Assess your SME’s current risk situation, identifying the most valuable assets and data for your operation.
    • Ensure the continuity of your SME in the face of possible security incidents, reducing the risk of business interruptions.
    • Develop and provide a detailed security breach response plan, defining protocols and specific actions in the event of a cyber-attack.
    • Design and establish with you a personalised cybersecurity strategy for the short and medium term.
    • Comply with regulations and security standards related to data protection and information security.
    • Prepare the basic documentation for the implementation of an ISMS (ISO27001 and ENS medium-high) for a central service offered to customers or Public Administrations.
    • Develop and execute a use case tailored to your SME using appropriate techniques in the area of cyber security.
    Price range: 7,000-9,000 euros
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  • The Associate Digital Advisor will be responsible for performing various tasks to ensure the proper development of your advanced cyber security plan. The service offered will allow you to:

    • Analyse and perform penetration testing and vulnerability analysis in your SME, understanding the technological and operational environment in which you operate.
    • Implement cybersecurity procedures and tools for the daily management of your SME. This will enable you to prevent, detect and respond to threats.
    • Proactively protect your SME against data-targeted attacks, improving resilience and responsiveness to threats.
    • Raise employee awareness of the importance of cyber security and foster an organisational culture focused on cyber security and risk management.
    • Identify opportunities or possible applications of artificial intelligence in the field of cybersecurity.
    • Develop and execute a use case tailored to your SME using appropriate techniques in the area of cyber security.
    Price range: 8,000-10,000 euros
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  • The Digital Advisor will be responsible for carrying out various tasks to ensure the proper progress of the digital transformation of your SME:

    1. Examine your current business processes to identify areas in your SME that could be improved by digitisation.
    2. Create and implement awareness programmes to educate your employees on the strategic importance of digital transformation.
    3. Evaluate existing tools and technologies, offering advice to optimise their performance and align them with your SME’s digital transformation objectives.Create and implement awareness programmes to educate your employees on the strategic importance of digital transformation.
    4. Develop a clear and customised strategy that defines the objectives, timelines and specific steps for digital transformation.
    5. Establish a framework for continuous innovation and adaptability as digital technologies evolve.
    6. Develop and execute a business use case, using appropriate techniques, to show the advantages of using digital tools.
    7. Identify opportunities or possible applications of artificial intelligence in the field of digital transformation.
    Price range: 6,000-8,000 euros
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Can we help you?

As official Digital Advisors of Kit Consulting, we offer you access to government grants of up to €24,000 and expert advice on AI, data analytics and cybersecurity. Our specialised team will design with you the perfect roadmap to drive your company’s digital transformation, tailored to your specific needs.

Ask for information without obligation!