#Tech4Cambodia is a high impact educational project promoted by Pasiona and through which robotics training is provided. A program that includes everything from mathematics to teamwork. The course is aimed at teachers and students (15-18 years old) of the Llar d’Infants del Món school in Cambodia.

We bring technology closer to them and provide them with the necessary skills to face their future professional career; to guarantee that they can be masters of their future.

  • tasks iconRobotics course
  • calendar icon10 days of training
  • icon locationRohal, Cambodia
  • training iconContinuous training
  • user icon2 teachers and 30 students
  • icon technologyLego WeDo and Simple Machine


  • 143

    Among 188 positions, this is the position of Cambodia in the Human Development Index (HDI).

  • 37

    Secondary school gross enrollment rate

  • 80

    Percentage of children the Cambodian government plans to enrol in school in 2018 (current 56.5%)

Keys to a high-impact educational project

  • Motivation

    Better understand mathematics, physics and technology, subjects they normally dislike and feel uncomfortable with. Awaken their interest through the assembly and programming of LEGO robots, technology they have never seen or handled before.

  • Development

    Develop students’ creativity, imagination, motor and cognitive skills and critical thinking. Foster self-esteem, collaboration, teamwork and empowerment.

  • Continuity

    Sowing the seed of a project with a vocation for continuity. Teachers at La Llar d’Infants will be trained to be able to follow the training throughout the course, incorporating robotics as a subject in the curriculum.

Diary from Cambodia 2018

The results

At the end of the program, we conducted a brief survey to get participants’ opinions. The results encourage and motivate us to continue on the path of democratizing technology and offering tools that help them to own their future.

Did you like the program?
Graph showing 100% for the answer Yes

Is the program what you expected?

Graph showing a majority response for Yes

Do you think you will use the knowledge you have learned during the year?
Graph showing a majority response for Yes

Would you like to participate again in a program like this?

Graph showing a 100% response for Yes

Media impact

“A book with notes is very necessary, but practice is essential”. From this premise, Clara Planet, a teacher of robotics for children in Catalonia, came up with a project that, together with the Llar d’Infants d’Andorra, took her to Cambodja. “Thinking up the educational program was the easy part, the hardest part is always getting the funding,” explains…El Periódico logo
The Andorran NGO Infants of the World has been present in the Rohal community in Cambodia for 15 years. Step by step, they have been building the Llar d’acollida per a infants that currently attends about 500. In addition, explains its president, Elisabeth Planes, they also give training to young people from eight neighboring towns to provide them with the educational means to improve their quality of life…
Bon dia Andorra logo
The students of the Llar d’Infants del Món de Cambodja will receive a robotics course of ten days with the intention that they learn a knowledge that in one of the poorest regions of the Asian country would be difficult to have. The project is called #Tech4Cambodia and is coordinated by Clara Planet, a woman from Barcelona who didn’t think twice about accepting the proposal….
Diari d'Andorra logo
Pasiona, a leading technology consultancy in the Microsoft sphere, has just finished with resounding success the first edition of #Tech4Cambodia. A project of high educational impact launched through its Foundation [T]echdencias and through which 2 teachers and 30 Loves of the NGO Llar d’Infants del Món Cambodja received training in robotics, technology that they had never seen before….
22network logo

Do you want to know more about the project?

We want #Tech4Cambodia to be just the seed of a road ahead towards equal access to technology and global education. If you want to know more about this initiative, want to collaborate with La Llar d’Infants or want to be a spokesperson for the project in the media, you can write to or download the dossier.

Download the dossier

Our motivation

Van Kimnea was born in 1980 in Monkol Baray (Banteay Meanchey province). She studied management and started working at the Llar in 2005 as an educator. Her love for children, her trajectory, her commitment to the project and her desire to improve her country have been some of the reasons why Kimnea is today the director of the Llar d’Infants del Món Cambodja.
Clara Planet was born in Barcelona, but has lived with many cultures. Her multilingual education and globality gained from travel have given her a sense for the diversity of human interactions around the world. As a technology lover, he is always looking for new challenges and after teaching robotics classes in Barcelona for 3 years, he wanted to go a step further.

Reflections from Cambodia