
POTS is a startup that was born as an initiative, initially in Barcelona, for the reuse of packaging. POTS has developed a household packaging management system that allows companies in the FMCG sector to implement the reuse of their product packaging, thus supporting circularity and providing a solution to the problem of waste generation derived from large-scale consumption.

POTS sends the PotsCases to its users by sustainable transport -on foot or by bike-. When the PotsCase is filled by the user, POTS collects it and takes it to a cleaning and validation center, which in turn forwards it to the companies that manufacture the products so that they can reuse the containers. The challenge that POTS set us when they contacted Pasiona was to develop two applications that would allow them to manage both the collection and shipment to the companies.


The project consists of the development of two mobile applications for ios and android accessible.

  • The first application is for all consumers, integrating us with their service providers, where they can register PotCases, have a reuse history and see the products adhered to in reuse.
  • The second is for the operator to facilitate the cleaning and validation processes.

In order for the applications to have control of the users that can have access, corporations, products and status of their PotCases, a web application has been developed for the backoffice management, so that all the data are in a CosmosDB database.

From the UX department, after the first phase of analysis with the client, the concept has been landed through wireframes to validate the different functionalities and navigation flows. Once the wireframe has been validated with the client, an interactive prototype with the POTS corporate image has been created for the subsequent development phase. Finally, different phases of QA have been carried out to ensure the quality of the product delivery.

The application has been adapted according to WCAG 2.1 criteria so that it can be used by all users, including the elderly and people with disabilities.


  • C#

  • Net Core

  • Xamarin.Forms

  • .NET Standard

  • CosmosDb

  • React

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