
SIAV (Sistema Integral d’Atenció a la Víctima) (Integral Victim Assistance System)

We developed for the Generalitat de Catalunya a Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform to facilitate the Mossos d’Esquadra the unified management of information on cases of gender violence, allowing better care for victims.

The SIAV is the Mossos d’Esquadra’s comprehensive online victim assistance system that unifies in a single computer application all the information on cases of gender violence in Catalonia. With this system, officers can cross-reference all updated police and judicial data on the victim and his or her environment in a single program. In this way, they instantly know all the reports, requests and visits to the court of victims of gender violence, being able to make a risk assessment and generate follow-up guidelines. Thus, they are prepared to provide personalized attention to the victims.


Based on a Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform, we propose a comprehensive system of care for victims of gender violence that will be managed by the Mossos d’Esquadra. The solution allows the Victim Assistance Group to easily access the files coming from complaints by performing follow-up activities with the possibility of carrying out risk assessment of each victim and being able to act accordingly.

Services used

Mobile Development


  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

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