
Power your Strategy with Agile Methodologies

Raúl Lendínez 03/10/2023

Dive into the definitive guide to Agile, where we reveal how agile methodologies are revolutionising business management. Learn how to implement Agile, improve decision making and achieve exceptional results. Turn your business into an agile benchmark with Pasiona.

Agile Scaling Frameworks

Raúl Lendínez 15/06/2023

Agile scaling frameworks enable organizations to extend agile practices to larger, more complex teams.

Business Agility – Agile Transformation

Raúl Lendínez 14/03/2023

Since Agile is generally applied in teams of various kinds, we are often asked how it can be applied at a more business level. Being Agile, a way of working, apparently, less prescriptive than other methodologies or more complex frameworks, it might seem that it is oriented to teams that are self-managed and seek to […]

Why Agile? First steps to an implementation

Raúl Lendínez 20/10/2022

From pasiona we can help you in your Agile implementation so that you can do it naturally and progressively.