Microsoft Azure

Cloud Computing: Driving Business Innovation

Alberto Blázquez 14/09/2023

Immerse yourself in the definitive guide to Cloud Computing, where resources and business processes are transformed. Learn about its advantages, security and its role in Digital Transformation.

How to use Microsoft Azure to generate business

Alberto Blázquez 19/05/2022

Digital transformation is a reality for companies. In order to continue growing, it is essential to have all the tools that technology provides. Thanks to them, efficiency improves, errors are reduced and more information is available for decision making. One of these essential elements is Microsoft Azure, as a Partner of the same, we analyze […]

How and why to create cloud backups for enterprises with Microsoft Azure

Alberto Blázquez 21/04/2022

Cloud backups for companies help to face critical situations, such as a computer attack, without losing competitiveness. We detail, below, how Microsoft Azure is an ideal tool to easily achieve this goal.

How to use Microsoft Azure to protect your business data and services

Alberto Blázquez 22/02/2022

Microsoft Azure to protect your business is one of the most reliable alternatives because it works in the cloud, a network of remote servers connected to each other to function as one. Next, we will discuss the features of the Backup function and all its advantages.