
Optimize your HR processes with AI: How to use artificial intelligence to improve recruitment and performance in your company

Pol Torras 30/05/2023

AI in HR HR allows the automation of recruitment, or the selection processes and evaluation of candidates, and data analysis to improve the management of future talent. All of the above leads to significant savings in time and money.

The 10 trends in HR for 2023

Pol Torras 01/12/2022

Knowing in advance the trends in HR expected for 2023 helps to get a job. Therefore, we have decided to collect the ten most important and those that will be most used during the digital transformation of a company.

Bootcamp: the best option to incorporate technological talent in the company

Pol Torras 03/02/2022

Recruiting talent and retaining it is one of the great challenges of today, especially among young people interested in a bootcamp.

Why you need to outsource your IT department

Pol Torras 27/09/2021

Every year there is an increase in the number of businesses that leave the IT needs of their organization in the hands of a specialized company, moving towards digital transformation and significantly improving their scalability.

5 Advantages of IT Outsourcing for your business

Pol Torras 02/09/2021

The advantages of IT Outsourcing have positioned it as the structural solution to the crisis we are experiencing.

Digital transformation, training and employment: keys for the new generations of IT professionals

Pol Torras 18/06/2019

Technology is the language spoken by people and companies in 2019 and the high demand for qualified professionals in the sector makes it clear: 350,000 unfilled jobs for the telecommunications sector in Spain and more than 900,000 throughout Europe.