
Beware of Deepfakes: Protect your identity and avoid AI-generated phishing scams with our tips.

Deepfakes are a growing threat to privacy and security; In this article, we show you how to protect yourself from them and prevent them from being used to impersonate you;

Guide to successfully migrating or upgrading SharePoint

Equipo Comunicacion 30/01/2024

Migrating or upgrading SharePoint is a complex process that requires careful planning; In this post, we explain how to do it successfully, taking into account the challenges and opportunities, the different options available, the factors to take into account and how to go about the process;

7 Advantages of having a Cloud Computing service

Alberto Blázquez 14/12/2022

The cloud advantages are multiple and involve a management change that offers better results than the traditional one. We review the seven most important keys of this alternative.