
Power your Strategy with Agile Methodologies

Raúl Lendínez 03/10/2023

Dive into the definitive guide to Agile, where we reveal how agile methodologies are revolutionising business management. Learn how to implement Agile, improve decision making and achieve exceptional results. Turn your business into an agile benchmark with Pasiona.

Boost your marketing strategy with agile methodologies

Raúl Lendínez 18/07/2023

Agile is a widely used methodology within the IT world, but it can go beyond the world of software. What is agile marketing?

Product Owner vs Product Manager: key differences

Raúl Lendínez 12/01/2023

In the scrum teams that are implemented to develop Agile methodologies, there are two figures that are key, but that generate confusion. These are the Product Owner (PO) and the Product Manager (PM). Moreover, if its functions are not well understood, interference and an inefficient environment are normal.

Why Agile? First steps to an implementation

Raúl Lendínez 20/10/2022

From pasiona we can help you in your Agile implementation so that you can do it naturally and progressively.

Shu-ha-ri, or Agile maturity

Raúl Lendínez 15/09/2022

As you know, Agile is a methodology that provides frameworks for a rapid adaptation and improvement of the collaboration of all team members involved in the development of a project, product or initiative. You can read the following post where we indicate the keys to its application in software development. But how to implement it? […]

The 7 most read articles on digital transformation in 2021

Equipo Comunicacion 21/12/2021

Digital transformation integrates technology into all areas of a company, resulting in fundamental changes in how they operate and how they deliver value to their customers. That’s why businesses must invest in technology that serves both their employees and customers and, of course, meets the needs and expectations of both. These 7 articles will help […]

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