
Power your Strategy with Agile Methodologies

Raúl Lendínez 03/10/2023

Dive into the definitive guide to Agile, where we reveal how agile methodologies are revolutionising business management. Learn how to implement Agile, improve decision making and achieve exceptional results. Turn your business into an agile benchmark with Pasiona.

The 7 most read articles on digital transformation in 2021

Equipo Comunicacion 21/12/2021

Digital transformation integrates technology into all areas of a company, resulting in fundamental changes in how they operate and how they deliver value to their customers. That’s why businesses must invest in technology that serves both their employees and customers and, of course, meets the needs and expectations of both. These 7 articles will help […]

How can we assess the success of a Sprint?

Raúl Lendínez 14/10/2020

Nowadays it has become essential to organize work teams around objectives and bring workers together in the same direction.