WCAG 2.1

Digital Accessibility: Building an Inclusive Web

Discover how to close the accessibility gap with our personalized consultancy. At Pasiona, we believe in digital inclusion and we guide you to achieve a web accessible to all. Join our Digital Accessibility initiative today.

What is the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is an initiative of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) to improve usability. Below, all its characteristics and advantages of its implementation are discussed.

Why you need to perform a web accessibility audit today

The main objective of the internet is to make it accessible to everyone. However, despite the fact that there are great efforts to eliminate barriers, there are many pages that do not have a correct web accessibility configuration. For this reason, in today’s article we are going to talk about the importance of accessibility in […]

The 7 most read articles on digital transformation in 2021

Equipo Comunicacion 21/12/2021

Digital transformation integrates technology into all areas of a company, resulting in fundamental changes in how they operate and how they deliver value to their customers. That’s why businesses must invest in technology that serves both their employees and customers and, of course, meets the needs and expectations of both. These 7 articles will help […]