10 key aspects of the Accessibility Statement

The accessibility declaration is, since 2018, mandatory on websites and applications for mobile phones. We analyze all the aspects that make either of both creations accessible.
The regulations contained in Royal Decree 1112/2018
Royal Decree 1112/2018 deals with the accessibility of a website or a mobile application of the public sector. The legal text requires that at least the following information be included in the accessibility statement:
- If there is any part of the application or the web that is not accessible and why. Alternatives should be offered to have full access to all subparagraphs.
- A contact form that allows you to report non-compliance with accessibility requirements. It will also be possible to discuss access problems, ask questions and suggest some changes. At least two options should be offered: a phone number and the option of in-person care.
- A link to the procedure opened by complaint so that it is possible to know its progress or show disagreement with the attention received.
The characteristics of the certificate
The decree stipulates that the certificate must meet other complementary requirements to be valid:
- It must be updated at least once a year or when revised where it is published.
- Its format must be accessible.
- The model used will be the same as that provided by the European Commission.
- It has to be included in the ” accessibility” section or in an equivalent one within the web. The user should find it easily.
- In an application, the declaration will be hosted on the website of the developer company. A link must be provided for download. It is also possible to add the information on the platform from which the download is made.
The European Union’s universal accessibility model
The European model of universal accessibility also requires other requirements to be added to the previous ones, such as:
- The accuracy of the statements relating to the certificate. This should include a third-party assessment to be commissioned by the public body. The declaration should detail the method used for the assessment.
- The link to the declaration must be visible from any section of the web. It is possible to place it in the header or in the footer.
Additional information as a guarantee
When a certificate includes more information than the minimum required, it denotes a greater commitment to accessibility. It is common to mention aspects such as:
- The timetable for implementation of corrective measures.
- In the political or public administration sphere, official endorsement is usually added.
- The date the page or mobile app was published.
- The last update made after the content check.
- A link to anevaluation report if the application or website has been confirmed to meet the requirements.
- A telephone service for people with disabilities and help for those who need more support.
- All kinds of complementary information.
How should follow-up be done?
In the section dedicated to the units responsible for accessibility of the aforementioned RD, the following assessments are included:
- The report on how complaints and grievances have been resolved .
- The follow-up carried out on the fulfillment of the requirements. In addition, the measures used and their results will be reviewed. All revisions carried out must be specified.
- A report on awareness-raising, advocacy and training in its field.
We recall that each EU member country must follow up on its proposals.
Types of tracking
There are several alternatives. One of the most advisable is known as in-depth monitoring. Its implementation helps to comprehensively evaluate each process offered to users. The simplified type includes the use of standard tests to check whether people with disabilities can access it without problems.
In turn, the accessibility certificate must be reviewed periodically. That is, temporary sampling must be carried out to check its validity. To do so, you must write a report with the following points:
- A summary of the content. The activities carried out and the type of tools used for monitoring should be clearly discussed.
- The result. It is essential to relate it to each method applied. Supplementary content is optional, but helps to better understand the work done.
- The type of user observation that has been implemented. Especially with regard to people with visibility, mobility or learning problems.
- Everything related to the additional measures that have been used.
Some success stories
Among other success stories, we highlight that of TMB (Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona). Its application is a clear example of how to order information and facilitate its consultation. In constant review, it is one of the most used alternatives by those who live, or travel, to Barcelona. It even allows to know the time of passage of each transport depending on the time of day. It is expected that in 2023 it can also be used as a transport voucher.
In short, it is about not considering that a public body can upload a website to the Internet without complying with specific requirements. The same goes for apps that complement your use. Diversity means that more effort has to be made to achieve an optimal result. Not all potential users are digital natives and accessibility helps them to consult any type of information.
For all the above, the accessibility statement is the best business card to build trust. The application of the legal aspects to a website or application of private origin is also highly recommended to increase the clientele. Everything is to turn the experience of the recipient of each proposal into a simpler and more effective one.
Accessibility Certificate, Accessibility Statement, Royal Decree 1112/2018
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