Unity 3D, mouseless accessibility, and more in the coming #4Sessions. Agenda available!

Equipo Comunicacion 18/09/2017

    The colleagues of [T]echdencias have already made public the agenda of 4Sessions for the edition of October 7 in the auditorium of the Mobile World Centre in Barcelona. Registration (free) is now open through the 4Sessions registration Meetup. High-level poster:

    Node.js + Azure, or how to mix water with oil
    Nacho Fanjul
    Whenever we talk about Azure, we say that although it is a 100% Microsoft ecosystem, it does not matter what language your application is developed in. But all the demos we see are with applications developed in .NET…
    Okay speaker, that’s fine, get out of your comfort zone and show me how to deploy something other than .NET!!
    In this session, we’ll mix water and oil, i.e. JavaScript with Azure. We will see what Node is.js, how to develop an API in Node.js (from VS 2017 and from VS Code), and the best, how to mix it with the things of azure.


    Test games with Unity3D
    Adrià Freixas
    We will see how the StrangeIOC framework for Unity3D is organized, an Agile technique to shell tasks called Example Mapping, how to test our services and a small example of TDD.
    All this while creating a Texas Holdem Poker app.
    Let’s play!


    Hands on the keyboard! A few hotkeys to unhook the mouse.
    Juanjo Montiel
    Do you feel tied to your mouse? Can’t you live without it? Do you use it for everything? Shortcut power is the solution!
    In this talk, the first thing we are going to do is disconnect the mouse … And then? Then we will fly! The gesture of lifting your hands from the keyboard has come to an end. You will learn the most important hotkeys to be ninjas in the handling of Visual Studio, accessing the most interesting functions using the power of your fingers. Run, debug, browse, test, review, publish…
    Being the fastest in the west is now in your hands! (and it’s not a saying) 😉
    Do you dare to unhook the mouse?


    Power Users – New Office 365 experience
    Eric Vela & Dani Rivas
    We’ll talk about the new experience offered by Office 365 templates. We’ll look at CodeLess options and development options.



    Mobile World Centre is a public-private initiative created by Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCB) and Telefónica with the aim of bringing citizens closer to the world of mobile telephony and the Internet. It is a space to discover how mobile transformation is revolutionizing communication channels, our day to day or the social and business environment. The Centre is a space open to citizens that hosts a permanent exhibition and offers an agenda of activities linked to current events and projects focused on the social, cultural, technological and economic transformation of mobility. Mobile World Centre is also a point of information and dissemination of the rest of MWCB’s initiatives.

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