Pasiona, I Alliance Award for Dual FP for an “innovative, quality and international” project

Quality, innovation and employability. These are the three factors that have led the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Club of Excellence in Sustainability to grant us the I Alliance Award for Dual Vocational Training in the SME category.
In a ceremony held this Monday in Madrid, our CEO David Teixidó, collected the plaque from the Secretary of State for Education, Marcial Marín. The cooperation between the actors involved, the international character and the dissemination effort have been some of the aspects highlighted by the jury of the contest, to which more than 100 candidatures were presented and whose objective is to give visibility and promote quality Dual Vocational Training, seeking better competitiveness between companies and a better professional future for young people. The other four categories of awards went to the projects of Heineken, IES Fernando III de Jaén and the association Adecat, as well as a special recognition to Salvador Lorenzo, Manager of Professional Integration and the School of Trainers of the Higher Training Center of Repsol.
When presenting the award, José Longás, President of the Club of Excellence in Sustainability, highlighted “the quality of Pasiona’s dual training project”, a tremendously participatory project, with great involvement on the part of the students of the program”, Longás stressed, in addition to its “international and transactional character, with dissemination and transmission initiatives beyond our borders”. To conclude, José Longas highlighted “the national dissemination of Dual FP from Pasiona, through different campaigns and its social networks”, as well as “the way they have to polarize knowledge and make it available to others”.
This award comes at a very special time for Pasiona. In addition to meeting fully in the celebrations of our 10th anniversary, the first group of Dual FP students who have trained with us have just finished their internship period and have joined the company with an employment contract. It was precisely four of these students who were in charge of narrating their impressions to the audience gathered at the event, through a video in which they highlight the experience acquired, the job opportunity and the personal and professional maturation as the main benefits of their passage through the Dual FP in Pasiona thanks to the agreement signed with the Salesians de Sarrià center, in Barcelona.
Our commitment to continuous training and specialization is a firm commitment, as well as a necessity. We believe that the link between companies and educational centers is basic and essential to guarantee the best training for the present and future, especially in the ICT sector, where specialization is key to its development. For this reason, we have recently wanted to reinforce this commitment by maintaining a constant and stable relationship with training centers, with the adhesion of Pasiona to the Alliance for Dual FP, an initiative promoted by the Bertelsmann Foundation together with the Princess of Girona Foundation, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and the CEOE, whose main objective is to bring together companies, institutions and educational centers committed to Dual Vocational Training to improve the employability of young people in Spain. In this way, we have taken a step forward in our goal of contributing to the development of the network and to a quality education oriented to the labor market with all the guarantees and the greatest involvement.
Here is the complete video with the award ceremony of the FP Dual Alliance awards, courtesy of the Bertelsmann Foundation:
Bertelsmann Foundation, Dual FP, innovation
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