¿Copilot, ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude? And the winner is…

Equipo Comunicacion 04/09/2024
    Inteligencia artificial en comunicación corporativa

    In the world of corporate communication, the arrival of Artificial Intelligences (AIs) has marked a turning point. Until recently, industry professionals moved around with a Moleskine notebook and an orange Bic pen, always ready to capture fleeting ideas. However, in November 2022 , everything changed, especially for those of us in technology communications. As the saying goes, “It is never too late if the joy is good.” Therefore, almost two years after this milestone, we have set out to analyze how the emergence of AIs has transformed Pasiona’s communication department. Our objective is not to replicate exhaustive reports such as Stanford’s AI Index, nor do we intend to carry out an objective measurement of AIs, a task that, as an article in the New York Times points out, is tremendously complex. Instead, we want to offer you something more personal and practical. Beyond classifications such as the LMSYS Chatbot Arena Leaderboard, we present our particular analysis and the most common uses we make of these tools to optimize our daily work. It is, if you will, a view from the trenches of corporate communication.

    What is the best AI for our daily tasks?

    Copilot, ChatGPT, Gemini or Claude? Throughout this article, we will share our experience with these tools, revealing our personal winners for different aspects of communication. We invite you to join us on this journey from pen to prompt, where you will discover how we have integrated these powerful AIs into our workflow, improving our efficiency and stimulating our creativity. Are you ready to find out who takes the crown in the world of AIs for communication?

    Claude: The ace editor

    What is Claude? Claude is an AI developed by Anthropic, designed to understand and generate text naturally and accurately. Why do we love it? Without a doubt, Claude takes the cake in Spanish writing. Its ability to understand context with minimal prompts makes it ideal for complex writing assignments. Practicaluse: To create content, we simply provide you with the base material (articles, landing pages, descriptions of services) and ask you to write, for example, a newsletter with a specific structure. After some minor adjustments, the result is surprising.

    ChatGPT: The tireless researcher

    What is it? Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a language model that stands out for its versatility and its versatility and information processing capacity. Why did we choose you for research? ChatGPT ‘ s custom instructions feature is a real asset. It allows us to establish a professional context without having to repeat it for each query. Practicaluse: It is excellent for creating buyer personas. With a simple request, we quickly obtain detailed profiles that include demographic data, professionalprofiles, expectations and preferences of our potential customers.

    Copilot: Your reading assistant

    What is it? Copilot, developed by Microsoft, is an AI integrated into several applications, including the Edge browser. Why is it useful? In a world where time is money, Copilot becomes our eyes, reading and synthesizing information quickly. Practicaluse: We use Copilot to summarize and outline articles directly in the Edge browser. This not only saves time, but also allows you to generate social media content based on these readings, all without leaving the browser.

    Gemini: The image expert

    What is Gemini? Gemini is Google ‘ s multimodal AI, capable of processing and generating both text and images. Why do we prefer it for images? Its ability to understand and describe images makes it ideal for SEO and accessibility related tasks. Practicaluse: We use Gemini to generate image descriptions that meet accessibility and SEO criteria. With simple prompts, we get filenames, alternative texts, titles and descriptions titles and descriptions optimized for specific keywords.

    Impact and considerations

    The integration of these AIs into our workflow has revolutionized the way we approach communication at Pasiona. revolutionized the way we approach communication at Pasiona. They have not only allowed us to optimize tasks, but they have also stimulated our creativity and challenged us to constantly improve. However, it is important to mention that the use of AIs also presents challenges. The verification of the information generated, the adaptation of the tone to our brand and the need to keep up to date with the changing changing capabilities of these tools are aspects that require constant attention.


    AIs have transformed our communication toolbox, from the traditional pen to sophisticated prompts. Claude, ChatGPT, Copilot and Gemini have become indispensable allies, each with their unique strengths. At Pasiona, we have embraced this technological revolution, integrating it into our daily work to offer a more efficient, creative and adapted to the needs of the digital world, creative and adapted to the needs of the digital world. If you would like to know more about how we apply generative AIs in our communication department or have questions about our approach, please do not hesitate to contact us, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can reimagine the future of corporate communication!

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