Free Agile Consulting

Raúl Lendínez 11/11/2021

    After more than 12 years of experience as expert consultants in Agile and process optimization in Pasiona we think it is time to share our knowledge with you.

    Our experience makes us believe in the benefits of Agile and, for you to discover them, we offer you a training session and a totally free consultancy, so you know what state your teams are in, as well as the next steps to implement it in your organization in a sustainable way.

    Why Agile?

    In response to the pandemic, more and more companies are accelerating the adoption of new processes, practices and technologies to improve their products, services and deliveries. In this sense, Agile allows these companies to focus the management of their projects on achieving objectives and results. In addition, thanks to Agile methodologies, they can evaluate the situation of their projects at the level of budget and risks, as well as the early detection of problems and their correction.

    The latest State of Agile survey (15th ed, 2021) determines that the most urgent reasons to implement Agile are the speed and flexibility required by work environments that remain unpredictable and volatile. It is closely followed by a quest into team alignment, improving software quality and delivery processes.


    Agile Adoption

    Advantages you will get from consulting

    • Understand the context in your company: strengths and aspects to improve.
    • Increase the effectiveness of your business and reduce costs.
    • Learn about the tools of an Agile project and the key moments in this paradigm shift.

    In addition, you can receive an introductory training session to Agile or scaling (SAFe).

    What steps do we follow in our free advice?

    1. We will analyze the main processes and flows of your organization.
    2. We will detect the main problems that affect the delivery of value and productivity.
    3. We will carry out an initial plan for the implementation of the methodology, with the ideal frameworks.

    It’s time to optimize productivity and the achievement of your organization’s objectives, and for free.



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