Fruit, gym, physio and healthy tupperware: go for the first generation of Pasiona Healthy Devs

Equipo Comunicacion 31/10/2017

    Fruit, gym, physiotherapy and healthy tupperware. These are the four pillars on which the first #PasionaHealthyDevs is based, a pioneering program that seeks to counteract the incidence of computer diseases and curb sedentary lifestyle, a global evil that affects six out of ten inhabitants of the planet.

    Aware of the occupational risks of working in the office and at the computer, from pasiona we are committed to making available to our team of developers the necessary tools to promote a healthier lifestyle and combat these risks. Education, healthy eating, access to an extensive network of gyms, office massages and fresh fruit are the keys to the program, aimed at improving the daily habits of the team, in combination with tips, tricks, recommendations and various information for a good postural education, strengthen the back, combat overweight, activate circulation …

    In a society in which sedentary lifestyle is already more deadly than tobacco, the commitment to facilitate healthy routines has been present in the philosophy of our company since its foundational foundations. Not surprisingly, the management team of pasiona is composed of profiles completely oriented to sport and healthy living both in their practice and with their experience in the organization of sports competitions and other events. That love for sport and healthy living has always been transmitted to the passionate team, through initiatives such as the inclusion of massage services in the office or team building activities outdoors, in the mountains and similar, among many others.

    There are three areas in which the Pasiona Healthy Devs program has a priority impact:

    • Obesity. Several scientific studies confirm that those workers who combine both postures control better and remove the risks of falling overweight: a full hour on foot can facilitate an extra burn of 8.2 calories.
    • Cardiovascular risk. Long periods of time sitting or in static positions can impair the blood supply, with the risk of generating clots.
    • Muscular and postural ailments. Education postulate and muscle reinforcement against diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, cervical overload …

    And there are four tools available to the passionate team to counteract these risks and settle the first generation of Healthy Devs:

    • Gympass. Access to a network of more than 1,000 gyms throughout Spain.
    • Fruit. Fresh fruit freshly brought from the garden available to employees.
    • Improve me. Massage service in the office two days a week.
    • Healthy tupperware. Eating in the office is no excuse to eat badly. We will encourage vegetables and healthy foods in tupperware.


    The program starts today, October 31 and will run until the week before Christmas, with the aim of preliminarily analyzing the benefits of putting these four habits into practice, continuously and combined, and advancing one step further in the commitment of passion to facilitate a healthier life free of health risks. You can follow the progress of the program and the different contents and tips on our social networks through the hashtag #PasionaHealthyDevs.

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