GPT-4 and Azure: Discover what’s new in the world’s most advanced artificial intelligence and how businesses benefit

Artificial intelligence models are one of the top priorities of most companies today. These types of languages and platforms automate a large number of tasks and facilitate important decision making. Therefore, in this article we will present GPT4, one of the most advanced models worldwide and what are its differential values for companies.
What is GPT4 and its functionalities
These artificial intelligence software have multiple applications in any business
. In this case, GPT4 is the name given to the next language model developed and trained by Open AI. In this sense, its main functionalities will be related to the generation of texts, and their translation. On the other hand, you can focus on writing summaries and answering complex questions.
To do this, it will be able to use up to 100 trillion different parameters. This allows us to get an idea of the potential of this tool. Another of its differential values will be the level of closeness to people’s thinking, if we compare it with some of its predecessors.
It must also be differentiated from the ChatGPT model, which is not multimodal. In this case, GPT4 will also work with images. Next, we will explain all the news that this update will bring us.
News that brings us its new version
The qualitative leap compared to the previous GPT3 model is really big. Artificial intelligence solutions
continue to be a differential value for many companies that want to automate their production process. In this sense, the novelties that we must know are the following:
1- Works also with images
This update is not limited only to text, but is also able to understand the modality of images. Now you can send photos to the processor, and it is able to understand them.
For example, foodies have the possibility to send an image of ingredients. From here, you can be asked the possible recipes that can be made.
2- Improves the potential of GPT3, but without many more parameters
Quality has been one of OpenAI’s main goals when developing an NLP processor. For this, unlike many rumors that have circulated in recent weeks, it has not used many more parameters than in GPT3. In the previous version, approximately 175 billion parameters were used, and in this one the number is not very different.
However, a thorough work in its architecture and training, allows this system to be much more effective in all its tasks.
3- A much more precise tool
The direct consequence has been greater precision in answering all the questions put to it. The likelihood that you will confuse the facts is much lower. This is due to a specific training that lasted about half a year.
Additionally, it is capable of processing a much larger volume of information than its predecessors. It is calculated the version of GPT3 could be able to work with up to just over 4000 tokens. In this case, its update has the possibility of multiplying its volume by up to 8.
4- Ability to work with many more languages
Although English is still his favorite language, multilingual processing is another of the great novelties of this version of GPT4. In this sense, he is able to understand Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian or Russian, among others.
This adds a much more international version to this data processing platform. To do this, the audience that can use this tool only grows.
What is the integration process with Azure
The collaboration between Microsoft and Open AI is key for us to get the most out of GPT-4 and Azure. In this sense, it is possible to integrate both tools in order to develop a much more advanced data model. In this way, Microsoft also reserves the possibility of offering the most advanced artificial intelligence systems in the world. It is possible to combine them with the version prior to GPT-4 or ChatGPT, among others.
This is possible in a perfectly optimized and functional infrastructure for all types of companies. Additionally, compliance with current regulations is ensured, as well as the best security controls that Azure already offers independently. On the other hand, it can be combined with all Microsoft products, in many branches of companies.
Get the most out of Microsoft products
For example, this advanced intelligence enables the development of increasingly intelligent chatbots through Microsoft Power Virtual Agents. Language is becoming more and more natural, giving the possibility to interact with customers in a more effective way. In an increasingly digital context, Microsoft Teams is one of the main programs used to carry out video conferences. Artificial intelligence provides the possibility to answer the most frequently asked questions, and also attend meetings. In addition to improving agility and efficiency, it reduces the burden on all employees.
Through Azure, these systems can build fully customized applications and services leveraging their ability to understand natural language. On the other hand, they are able to automate the answers to different questions that arise in email systems such as Outlook or SharePoint. PowerAutomate also designs and updates workflows of all kinds in enterprises. From the use of GPT-4, and its different versions, there is the possibility of automating its creation. Entrepreneurs will only have to worry about analyzing the data, and making the decisions they consider pertinent. This means a great saving of costs and time.
In conclusion, GPT4 is currently one of the most advanced artificial intelligence models worldwide. It allows you to work in multiple languages and formats, as well as integrate with all branches of Microsoft products with Azure. This facilitates decision making in our business, and the possibility of automating multiple tasks.
AI - en, artificial intelligence, Azure, GPT-4
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