How to improve the conversion rate of your E-Commerce (CRO)

Those who work with an e-commerce have the almost permanent objective of improving their CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), which would encompass all those techniques or strategies that are put into practice to improve the conversion rate of a website.
Or in other words, the techniques or resources we use to increase our sales volume. And how can this goal be achieved?
How to improve conversion in an E-Commerce
These are some of the steps we have to take to increase the sales ratio.
1. A sales strategy
The first thing will be to have a clear plan of how we want to sell and how we will act before customers. Here it is necessary to set the way in which they will be impacted (digital advertising, traditional advertising, good SEO …) and the way in which they will be led to the online store.
Mainly, it consists of designing a guide or a sales plan that we have to apply constantly. Both our communication and the way we segment the public, present our values and sell our products.
In the strategy, it is important to differentiate ourselves, show ourselves different from our competitors and properly connect with the target audience. Therefore, analysis, foresight and creativity will be fundamental. We have to know the communication channels, the tone and the key moments of the calendar to place our offers.
2. A solid search engine
Web design is a fundamental tool to optimize the conversion rate. If they arrive at our online store, they have to have an efficient search engine that can direct them to the products. How can we prepare it properly?
A key point will be that of keyword associations. In the search engine, we must not only have the product itself, but also a labeling work must be carried out so that our product can be associated by categories with different functionalities or attributes.
This will allow the public to access many more tabs, have a wider range of options and, therefore, buy more. Any element can serve as a filter, from the function, color or other attributes of the products. In this way, our search engine will be a mainstay and will work as a key aspect for them to locate what we have to offer.
3. Visible buy buttons
Another crucial need of a website. In the end, a buyer acts in a very intuitive way, and we must reinforce precisely that most irrational side. How can we do this? With the use of colors or rather emotional techniques that help to buy the products we offer.
Thus, the buy button we have to highlight it as much as possible. Make it visible and attractive so that, intuitively, the consumer’s mouse is directed towards it and has no difficulty finding it.
4. Transparency with information
Surprises in the final price are always a deterrent to consumers. Adding shipping charges or extra taxes without warning before can greatly damage our sales ratio. And discourage future buyers. That is why transparency is fundamental.
On the one hand, this has to be present in the price from the beginning, warning of what is going to be charged and what is not. And, on the other hand, you have to inform in the texts or descriptions of the products of what is being bought. The clearer, the better. With deception it is never possible to improve sales since, generally, they derive later in returns.
The user experience to optimize the conversion rate
A key factor by itself is the user experience. The comfort and confidence that a potential consumer has in a sales portal will be essential in order to make their purchase. The more confidence you have, the better. This is a simple axiom to understand, let’s now see how this breaks down.
Intuitive usability
An e-commerce cannot and should not be cutting-edge or experimental. Regardless of the audience we have, a simple space that is intuitive and recognizable is recommended. That is why it is important to follow structures or guidelines already marked by other larger or older portals. The process of buying and displaying the products has to be as clear as that of any other online store.
An intuitive color guide
The purchase process is something in which you have to guide, many times, consumers. That is, use different signals, colors or techniques so that it does not cost them absolutely no time to make the purchase. Let there be no doubt about the process or how it works. Thus, differentiated buttons to buy, see products or features will save us a lot of time.
Clear and transparent information
We must use bold, italics and subtitles in all the texts we write. It has to be presented intelligently the most important and suggestive to encourage the purchase. But this does not mean overwhelming with texts that are too intrusive. It is necessary to inform properly about the product with extensive texts. And, as far as possible, explain in a transparent way what has just been acquired.
Visual information about the product
The more it is explained, the fewer returns we will have to face. Product photographs are important, as well as a filter that helps offer related products. This serves as a comparison and so users can get a clearer idea of what they are about to buy.
This can be combined with the strategy of categorizing exhaustively with tags and all kinds of resources. Thus one product can lead to another and therefore a failed sale can end in a different sale.
In short, improving the CRO is essential for an e-commerce. The most important thing is to get data and test to improve the different conversion rates generated by each user interaction in the digital product, since the CRO helps consolidate and convert that web traffic, that digital user, into an end customer. So, if you are looking to increase your sales, through a good CRO and UX we will help you achieve your conversion goals in your digital product.
Conversion Rate Optimization, ecommerce, usability, User Experience
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