Lean Development: reducing development setbacks

Lean Development has become a work methodology widely used in IT or software development companies. Therefore, we want to see here what are its principles, the opportunities it offers and how to implement it properly;
Principles of Lean Development
Let’s see what are the seven principles that govern this way of working that is delivering so many results:
1. Eliminate waste
Waste can be understood as anything that does not provide real value to the customer. Therefore, all parts of the software that don’t really add anything that would improve the final product. This is a good working mentality: the more essential and simple, the more comfortable it is to handle;
2. Amplify learning
When it comes to new technologies, there is one thing we cannot ignore. The need for teams that never stop training is imperative. This is the only way to create a company culture that is always up to date and able to deliver the best results; The most cutting-edge approaches are always obtained thanks to the education and training of their creators;
3. Delay decision making
At first this idea may sound strange, but if we have worked with clients we will see that this is not the case; Often, what happens is that these get to change several times throughout the day what they want. They add or remove elements to the software they want. So what we are looking for here is that we do not decide for them; The choice is delayed, and useless efforts are avoided;
4. Deliver promptly;
Users who are using software will need continuous improvements. Therefore, to increase the value of a programme, it is necessary for its technical team to have it up and running at all times;
5. Empower the team
Developers are key; Therefore, it is very important to listen to their opinion and to take their point of view into account at all times; Allowing employees to get involved is a way for them to feel part of the project and therefore improve its development.
6. Integrate
It is also important to develop a system that can test the software at all times. Thus, you can see any errors that have been carried over, and anything that needs to be corrected. It is a good way to practice trial and error throughout the process;
7. Visualise the whole
Finally, the lean methodology tries to be connected with the rest of the elements of a company. Thus, if we are developing software, for example, it is useful that we analyze it in its relationship with other systems in our company. By putting it into practice, we can see the whole picture and understand when it is most useful and when it is least; This will tell us which aspects to change and which to keep;
Benefits of Lean Development
Such a methodology, so similar to agile process development (explained in these infographics), has a series of advantages that stand out by their own weight. However, it is worth remembering some of its most interesting aspects. In this way, we will understand the full value of its implementation;
There is greater cleanliness and clarity in the system
We must not disdain something as important as simplicity within the systems. When developing a software like this it is important to have a team that can remove what is not important. This will not only help the end customer, but also our team; Thanks to the principle of waste disposal, our professionals will work faster and easier; They will be able to sort it all out more comfortably;
The delivered product arrives earlier in its final version
By shifting the focus on timing and timing of delivery we achieve something very interesting: to have final versions ahead of time; Thus, the client can test to give instructions and allow us to make corrections in time.
A decision-making team is created;
Another key factor is the empowerment that is provided to the work team. By having decision-making power and an ability to manage their own mistakes as they encounter them, their independence is encouraged; As a result, they will be able to respond more quickly to challenges as they arise;
Challenges of implementing Lean Development
The reduction of setbacks is not always total. Sometimes, as in any new system, the team will face challenges; Here we will look at the most significant challenges to be overcome;
It is necessary to create a sense of belonging among the workers
One of the challenges will be to make them feel involved in the work, otherwise the methodology will not work; To this end, it is necessary to motivate them properly to ensure their performance and proper functioning.
It takes a technically skilled team
This can be said, in general, for many software development services. After all, they all depend on innovations and services that are rather cutting-edge in the sector; That is why we need to invest in the training of our team or have professionals who know what innovations to apply;
Clients need to be clear about their objectives;
If the recruitment is done by a company that doesn’t quite know what it is looking for, work will inevitably be delayed. For such an approach to work, it is necessary for the end customer to clearly express his or her wishes or the objectives he or she wants to achieve; This is the only way to get the project moving;
They have to be focused;
Workers face a unique challenge; Otherwise, too much parallel workload can destabilise its function;
In short, Lean Development works as a very effective system as long as the conditions for it are met. Otherwise, it is likely to only hinder the process; That is why we offer services for companies that want to improve their productivity; With our webinar, a team can find better resources to perform their role more easily.
Efficiency, Lean Development, mishap reduction, productivity, Productivity, Software Development
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