Productivity, Azure, React, and Xamarin at #4sessions on June 16. Sign up now!

Equipo Comunicacion 05/06/2018

    The colleagues of [T]echdencias have ready the next edition of the #4sessions, before enjoying a well-deserved summer break.

    The appointment will be on Saturday, June 16 at the spectacular Movistar Centre in Barcelona and the format we already know: four talks on technological updating on various topics that this time range from productivity to Azure through frameworks and Xamarin. With a special guest: Christine Hug, who will tell us the secret that will save us from those endless to-do lists through the Bullet Jornada method. Tickets are available now. As always, they are free but it is essential to register in the MeetUp to reserve a place and access. Here is the menu of the 16th:

    09.40 Reception of attendees

    10.00 – 10.45h React & Redux for noobs
    Irene Foz and Sergio García
    Introduction to the framework par excellence of javascript and its integration with redux. We will also experiment with the new context api and asynchronous components.

    10.45 – 11.30h Organize your life once and for all!
    Christine Hug
    “Let’s talk about the endless to-do lists, projects, and things to do.
    Do you have the feeling that you do not run out of time? What can’t you get to everything about? Do you lose your notes and papers and your schedule is in chaos and always overflowing?
    I think it’s time to sit down and think a little bit about how we organize ourselves. In this talk we will see different organizational options, we will talk about the method of the Bullet Journal (or bullet journal) and we will try to organize our life once and for all.”

    11.30 – 12.00h [Desayuno Networking]

    12.00 – 12.45h Azure Logic Apps, the fourth leg of the bank
    Nacho Fanjul
    When we talk about the Azure AppService, we mention the 4 legs that compose it, but one of them, we usually pass it over and we really do not give it enough recognition it deserves. Many of the developments that we have to do in our day to day, are nothing more than workflows, that is, when this happens, do this to me, but if that happens then do not do this to me … Or things as “simple” as consuming a third-party service, etc. In this session, we will see how simple it can be to assemble our workflows, or how to automate routines that make us “lose” much of our workday and already put, recognize everything that this great Azure artifact can bring us!

    12.45 – 13.30h Bzzzz…! You have an alert!
    Joan Isaac Collado and Víctor Madurga
    Let’s talk about how to manage push notifications for iOS and Android using Xamarin. Have your mobile ready!



    Movistar Center is an initiative of Telefónica and is conceived as a space open to citizens. It offers a wide agenda of activities related to the world of technology and innovation, emphasizing the changes we are experiencing thanks to the digitalization of our environment. A place to visit and experiment, to share new approaches and opportunities, to enjoy and learn.


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