September 15: Everything is ready for a new edition of the #4Sessions of [T]echdencias. Book your place!

Equipo Comunicacion 28/08/2018

    The colleagues of the Techdencias team, our foundation for innovation and the dissemination of technological knowledge, is ready for the next edition of the #4sessions.

    It will be on Saturday, September 15 at the spectacular Movistar Centre in Barcelona, with a high-level program and a very special guest, and with free admission upon reservation at this link.

    Here is the menu:

    09.40 Reception of attendees

    10.00 – 10.45h Selenium + Docker: What is my test container!
    Angel Garcia
    What if your web app could be tested automatically? I don’t mean to use unit tests, no… End user testing, automated, functional…
    What if you could also do it at the same time in several browsers and on several operating systems?
    What if I told you that you can do all this from your computer using Docker? And from VSTS?
    This session will cover how to use Docker to launch your Selenium functional tests in C# quickly and easily, both locally and in VSTS.

    10.45 – 11.30h I get the Power BI
    [Invitada] Laura Beltran
    Do you have millions of data and don’t know how to exploit it?
    Would you like to be able to analyze them, and you don’t know how?
    Do you want to be able to exploit them in a simple way through powerful graphics?
    In this session we will see the possibilities of representation and analysis of data with Power BI, through the creation and configuration of a dashboard.

    11.30 – 12h [Desayuno Networking]

    12 – 12.45h Windows Timeline + Adaptive
    Martín Vega
    One of the latest developments in Windows 10 is the arrival of Timeline, which allows us to resume tasks from previous days where we left off, saving us time and increasing our productivity.
    Let’s see how to integrate our UWP App into the Timeline, managing activation by protocol, used in different Windows contracts.
    We will also see how to use the Adaptive Cards SDK in the Timeline and what other uses it has in Windows, iOS and Android.

    12.45 – 13.30h Blazor, or how to bring .Net to the browser
    Juanjo Montiel
    1. In the beginning was Windows, and above it, .Net Framework.
    2. But .Net Framework felt lonely, so Xamarin gave it systems
    Mobile operatives.
    3. And Microsoft took pity on it, and made it cross-platform, and .Net Core already
    It was capable of playing with a multitude of operating systems.
    4. And Blazor said, Let there be navigators! And there were browsers.
    5. And with the passing of time, Javascript was dethroned and…

    Sorry, these are already spoilers of the future 😉
    Blazor is an experimental .Net framework for the web, using C# and html, that runs directly in the browser, without transpilations,
    trap or cardboard. We can generate Single Page applications using C # and Razor syntax, developing complete websites in a simple way and using the same language for all development, both server and client.
    In this talk we will see through an example project what possibilities Blazor provides us, and how to get into this new
    and fascinating .Net universe with Web Assembly. And the best, using only the latest web standards, without plugins or additional software.
    .Net taken to the next level!




    Movistar Center is an initiative of Telefónica and is conceived as a space open to citizens. It offers a wide agenda of activities related to the world of technology and innovation, emphasizing the changes we are experiencing thanks to the digitalization of our environment. A place to visit and experiment, to share new approaches and opportunities, to enjoy and learn.

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