Mobile Development

How to modernise your business applications to improve competitiveness

Equipo Comunicacion 05/03/2024

Enterprise application modernisation is a process that brings a number of crucial benefits, such as improved agility, security, competitiveness, cost reduction and enhanced customer satisfaction;

How to improve internal communication with a mobile app

Equipo Comunicacion 20/02/2024

In this article, we explore the impact of mobile apps designed for business on internal communication and productivity; You will learn how these tools transform collaboration and efficiency at work;

Maui Vs React Native

Joan Sánchez 28/03/2023

.NET MAUI and React Native are two very popular mobile development technologies, with their particular strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use depends largely on the specific requirements of the project to be developed.

Mobile Accessibility or how to create apps that work for all users

Equipo Mobile 16/02/2023

The mobile phone is increasingly an extension of our lives. We live glued to the smartphone carrying out a wide variety of activities. These range from reading the newspaper, shopping online or communicating with our loved ones. In this sense, accessibility and universality acquire a fundamental role for any brand.

Mobile learning and gamification: meaningful learning

Equipo Mobile 26/01/2023

Currently, a large number of teachers are committed to new technologies to encourage their students in their training. Within this group of training methods is mobile learning , which allows interaction between students so that they become protagonists in their passage through academic institutions.

.NET MAUI – The evolution of Xamarin.Forms (2/2)

Noureddine Maachi 22/12/2022

In these Christmas dates we return, and unlike the Grinch, we come to give you our particular gift and the one we like the most: our knowledge. This time we have the second part on the new technology provided by Microsoft for Mobile development, .NET MAUI.

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