Webinar UX and accessibility. Keys to generate income in your company [+VIDEO]

On October 28, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. we offered an exclusive webinar in which the keys to generate income in your company thanks to UX and accessibility were shown.
We often wonder why we are not able to attract new customers, we have a negative ROI, or users leave our website without buying our products. When we try to answer these questions, we do not usually reflect on the user and their experience with our digital services and products.
The webinar we conducted will help you understand to what extent your company loses customers daily for offering services that are not accessible, or for having a website with a terrible user experience.
You will understand the direct relationship between UX and accessibility and that will help you get new and better customers, as well as increase the sales of your digital business. You will optimize the user experience of your digital products and know the best practices to apply accessibility and usability to make your processes more efficient.
The speakers who offered these keys are:
Clara Planet
She is responsible for the Design and User Experience department. Observant, creative and enterprising. In mimetizo? Our alma mater : «I had an “a-ha” moment when I realized UX carries a reponsability behind its acronym: make technology understandable to any human being, so this feels technology evokes freedom».
Pedro Esquiva
Head of the Accessibility Department. He defines himself as “innovative, curious and persevering”. Peter is our guide and the one who constantly reminds us that the digital world must also be inclusive.
In addition, the webinar discovered the multiple benefits of implementing UX and accessibility in your projects, based on important success stories:
For more than 25 years, E21 has specialized in the creation, design and manufacture of products and processes focused on dosing and industrial automation.
Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona is the main public transport management company in the metropolitan area of Barcelona
Universitas XXI is a company that offers Higher Education Institutions technological solutions to meet the needs of the university community.
Did you miss it?
Do not worry. Now we share with you the recording of the UX webinar so you know the keys to generate income in your company thanks to UX and accessibility.
Do not miss the opportunity to ask us for a totally free UX and accessibility consultancy. It’s time to generate new revenue in your company and increase the sales of your digital business. You just have to click on the following banner. What are you waiting for?
accessibility, E21, TMB, UNIVERSITAS XXI, userexperience
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