7 Advantages of having a Cloud Computing service

The cloud advantages
are multiple and involve a management change that offers better results than the traditional one. We review the seven most important keys of this alternative.
1. Secure encryption as a security tool
The protective layer is located at the perimeter of the data. It is possible to decrypt and encrypt each information, in a personalized way. The aim is to prevent others from being able to consult it freely. In addition, it is possible to:
- Establish rules for access to secure encryption.
- Create a security policy tailored to each business.
- Comply with regulations related to data protection.
- Detect more easily what the threats are and stipulate the most appropriate measures to solve them.
2. The ease of migrating data
Migrating data from physical to virtual media is a very simple process. In the case of Azure, simply access Azure migration, select the data you want to import, and see how the migration is carried out. Depending on the amount of information you want to keep, this will be the duration of this stage of adaptation to the new storage system.
3. Scalability as the best guarantee
Scalability refers to, how the end customer only pays for what they use. Only if you need more capacity can you increase it progressively. Sometimes, the punctual increase in traffic to the corporate website may require greater scalability. Having this alternative is synonymous with adapting the page corresponding to the real demand. Scalability can be of two types:
- Vertical. An example is the programming of an application. Sometimes it is necessary to increase the RAM or CPU power. Or, it’s important to lower the specifications to better fit the end result. Both options are included in services such as Azure.
- Horizontal. In cases of peak demand, it is possible to manually or automatically scale the capacity of the web. You can add containers, virtual machines, and other resources. This type of scaling is complementary to the previous one.
4. Full availability
If the use of the Internet cloud does not stop growing, it is precisely for this reason. Switching from physical to virtual storage requires immediate access to information. In this case, the contracted system must be prepared to overcome any type of incident.
Azure, guarantees 100% uptime in the services contract. Its constant updating allows the client to always be able to access their files. This certification is a firm commitment to usability and functionality.
5. Progressive cost reduction
Physical storage generates a high economic expense. In the first place, because you have to acquire new equipment and hard drives to store the information. And second, because it is usual for the part of the archive to occupy a room of the corresponding company. In addition, you have to assign an employee to do the work of reviewing that everything works correctly.
However, this does not mean that computers are properly protected. A simple power surge can ruin its operation and cause irreparable damage. All of the above implies a progressive cost that can be avoided. When hiring a cloud service, a fixed amount is paid that includes:
- The automatic update of the program used on the stipulated dates. It is not necessary to be attentive to a process that can last hours.
- Forecasts of when it will be necessary to expand the available capacity.
- A detailed report of the amount of data stored during a given time.
Depending on the type of company that hires the service, changes of plans are carried out every two or three years. That is, it is possible to save costs from the first moment, gain space and ensure that the information is stored correctly.
6. Reliability and automation
They are complementary. The first is the ability of the system to overcome any error. In the cloud , decentralized design triumphs. This situation causes the system to implement its resources depending on each country. In turn, the automation of processes means that if there is a problem in a country, the customer can continue to have access to the service.
In the latter case, the program would change the environment to that of another country while the incident is solved. And all without having to perform a specific action. Without a doubt, knowing that the service will not fail, helps to trust this option. Otherwise, it could mean a break of several hours, or days, that would alter the income statement of the affected business.
7. Predictability and its importance
We mentioned before that proposals such as Azure inform what the future needs of the client will be. In this Microsoft proposal, the forecasts focus on:
- Performance. The daily analysis of all processes makes it easier to know reports on what end users need. The cloud supports automatic scaling so as not to disrupt service flow. It is usually used in specific cases of increased traffic in a specific section. It will be the program used that directs it to other less visited areas of the web.
- The cost. By allowing the actual use of contracted resources to be tracked in real time, it is easier to know what the cost is. In addition, patterns are established and trends are proposed aimed at improving the proposal for the client. The cloud uses tools such as TCO (Total Cost of Ownership Calculators) to know how much should be paid for the program in the future.
Thus, the seven cloud
advantages above confirm that the cloud is the most advisable alternative for a company. The adaptation to its operation is almost immediate. The option to save a lot on the budget goes hand in hand with its security and reliability. We consider it essential to take this alternative into account to take this step forward towards business digitalization. Having a personalized service like ours, tailored to each business and full of useful tools, is always synonymous with success. The results achieved by the companies that trusted us confirm this.
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