Advantages and disadvantages of an enterprise Agile implementation

Raúl Lendínez 02/02/2023

    As we know, Agile methodologies are here to stay, but in this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages that we must take into account in their implementation at the business level. And here we will give objective data to corroborate it.

    Introduction. Agile implementation in the company

    Agile methodologies are the most widely used worldwide for the management of development projects, by an overwhelming difference. Its success rate does not stop growing.

    At this point there has been talk of Agility in general and Scrum, Kanban or SAFe in particular. But you will wonder if an Agile implementation can really help your company or is simply a fashion, a posturing, an excuse like another to invoice the unwary. And since it is something that we sell, we want to do it in an honest and pedagogical way. For this we present an argumentation based on public and objective data, seasoned with our personal experience. So you get an exact idea of their strengths, weaknesses and what their success figures are. Unambiguous. So that, if you make a decision, you do it with all the cards on the table.

    Report on the State of Agilism

    Let’s go with the data, which is always a good start. Annually, a report on the state of agilism worldwide is prepared. This report, now in its 15th edition, represents the largest global survey of the health status of agile techniques and practices. Almost 1400 surveys of those responsible for agile implementations (CTOs, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, CEOs…) were carried out for its elaboration. This installment highlights the impact of the pandemic, and confirms the trends observed in previous editions: tools are required that speed up and make the development of projects cheaper, allowing companies to respond quickly and flexibly to the needs of a changing and more delocalized world. In this line, the hybrid teleworking / face-to-face model begins to set a trend: according to the report itself, more than half of the respondents are in favor of implementing it. And it is in this scenario where Scrum moves precisely like a fish in water.

    Agile and Scrum, in software development, not only win, but they do it by a landslide and convincing. And in the rest of the environments, they double figures compared to previous years.

    More data: Agile adoption in software development teams scales to a resounding 86% in 2021. Here agilism not only wins, but does so by a landslide and convincing. In addition, its adoption in other types of teams has doubled compared to 2020, so it bursts into reserves where traditionally it had not been taken into account so much (and definitively burying the hackneyed phrase that “Scrum only serves for development”).

    And we finish with what we believe is most important, since one thing is the use and quite another the success: to 70% the adoption of Agile has positively impacted them to manage changing priorities, 66% have been able to align business with IT and 64% have improved delivery time or time to market. In 59% of cases, user/customer satisfaction has increased and business value by 58%. Just what we said at the beginning that we needed.

    These data are confirmed by our own experience in numerous clients of different sizes and businesses. In a very high percentage, the organization and flexibility of companies in general and teams in particular has given a change not only significant, but remarkable. For the better, of course. Not to mention the Worker satisfaction, who see in agility an opportunity to learn and master the most widely used organizational frameworks worldwide and to finally plan effectively, thus improving their performance and resulting in the quality of their work and family reconciliation. More with less.


    Agile methodologies. Achieving organizational agility is already a necessity.

    Agile implementation. Process Review

    Agile is also an excuse to review all our processes. The difference with any other excuse is that it enjoys proven solvency.

    Agile is, after all, an excuse to review absolutely all our processes. The difference with any other excuse is that it enjoys proven solvency (we refer to the data) and is supported by a vast majority of the professionals who are dedicated to it and with data that support it internationally.

    What disadvantages does it have? Or, as we like to approach it… what challenges lie ahead? The report also reflects these chiaroscuros, and we corroborate it: 46% detect inconsistencies in the processes and practices of the different teams, and 43% report resistance to change or cultural aspects that are difficult to deal with. An Agile implementation is not easy to start. So how do we do it?

    For inconsistencies in the different teams we carry out a comprehensive approach. We analyze the various departments and teams of the company, establish a corporate plan and guidelines that all teams must follow, and in that framework we make adjustments for each team, so that we ensure a uniform but personalized implementation. To face resistance to change there is only one double medicine, which we are the first to take: patience and pedagogy. Teach, convincing and based on our experience with dozens of teams, looking for the right rhythm for each group, even for each person.

    Another point to keep in mind that facilitates the success of any agile implementation, although it does not ensure it, is the alignment of the entire company with the new philosophy and work mentality. Only from the understanding of the new challenges, patience and perseverance can we all get everyone to adopt the new way of working more collaborative, iterative and empirical.

    We always advise against a partial, lukewarm implementation, led by people who are not professionals or with little training and experience. Unfortunately, it is very common. In these cases the success rate decreases, generating dissatisfaction in those involved, who even often end up reneging on Agile and Scrum. On many occasions without being aware that what they have done has been something else. In the same way that we would not leave our mouth in the hands of someone who was not a good dentist, agile transformation must be entrusted to certified and experienced personnel, to ensure that our effort and our investment will have the expected return.

    Do you want more information? Check out our services and let us advise you on everything related to an effective Agile transformation. Or if you wish, we can offer you an Agile consultancy at no cost to help you in the transformation of your company.


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