How to protect your company from cyberattacks?

    The timely detection of a cyberattack means avoiding its most negative consequences. We discuss which are the most frequent attacks and how to avoid them.

    Data theft and its prevention

    This was the case of an attack committed against several Catalan hospitals, which indicated a change in trend. If, to date, it was usual to use data to access bank accounts, now all kinds of information is stolen. We remind you that the company is obliged to protect the information that its customers or users transmit to it and failure to comply with these obligations can result in large fines and penalties.

    It is essential to establish specific measures to protect those who access the web. The encryption of information and the use of the Internet cloud are two extremely useful measures. Updating security measures continuously helps to avoid greater evils.

    The dreaded ransomware

    In 2021, 71% of companies surveyed confirmed that they had fallen victim to this threat. It consists of requesting a ransom for providing the key with which the information of the attacked company has been encrypted. Blackmail is perpetuated over time and the data confirm that 38% of Spanish companies ended up paying. The amount, in 11% of occasions worldwide, exceeded one million euros.

    Apart from the cyber insurance that covers this circumstance, it is essential to implement effective measures such as:

    • Place different control points in all internal and external network systems and customer infrastructures.
    • Actively monitor infrastructure activity to find indicators of compromise (SIEM, EDR, etc.)
    • Hire cybersecurity professionals.
    • Review security gaps and close all open doors to prevent attack.
    • Have robust backups to restore information as soon as possible.

    Assessment or securitization as a preventive measure

    It consists of analyzing which environments or systems are used to detect weak points in security. The usual thing is to perform a series of tests in which an expert acts as if he were a cybercriminal. Their work makes it possible to detect these problems and correct them. It is also possible to specify when a security audit is necessary. Likewise, it is important to know what is the real risk of the company’s web infrastructure. Its remodeling is always advisable to make it more stable.

    Continuous monitoring

    Lovers of the alien do not perform the attack and in seconds they get the results they are looking for. First they send one, then another somewhat larger and thus they check the chances of success and the security measures in force.

    Continuously monitoring any possible anomaly allows it to be detected much earlier and closing doors to its evolution. The use of specific programs and professional support are highly recommended. We must emphasize that no system is totally secure. There are always weaknesses that are accentuated as it is used. The important thing is to stay alert to the various possibilities to reliably protect the system.


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    Ethical hacking as a solution

    Ethical hacking

    is one of the most important cybersecurity trends. It consists of hiring one or more hackers to check the vulnerability of the system. Normally, these are hackers who know all kinds of resources to achieve their purpose.

    Their role does not end there, since they do not hesitate to comment on what are the possible solutions to avoid direct access to the desired information. Having someone who has the same mindset as the one who will try to access the system helps to get ahead of the attack.

    The useful penetration test

    It is called penetration testing and is a simulated attack on the corresponding web. It must be done by an ethical hacker

    to avoid greater evils. The most common techniques are usually used to discover which one the page is most sensitive to. Once again, the objective is to eliminate possible options to complicate their criminal action for cybercriminals.

    Updating passwords

    It is common for employees to receive access and password to the system and not to modify it. This alternative means that anyone can use a program that detects which is the weakest key. From there, you can enter, without a trace, wherever you want. Such a situation should be avoided by renewing passwords at least once a month. Better if it is a specialized program that generates them.

    Security on employees’ personal computers

    In times of teleworking, employees access company information from their device. It is forgotten that the use of public wireless networks, or the lack of security measures, are fertile ground for any attack. Thus, it is necessary to install an antivirus program on each terminal and include complementary security measures.

    The use of illegal programs

    Any program that is installed must be original and must be downloaded from the official website. The opposite can mean savings, but in the long run it is synonymous with threat. Most illegally downloaded programs include elements that record all passwords that are entered. Avoiding this circumstance is synonymous with success.

    Special mention deserves the download of programs designed to create passwords. These are precisely the ones that include the same engine that a hacker uses to crack a password. It is more practical to create a custom one than not to rely on magic solutions of uncertain outcome.

    A regularly renewed Wi-Fi network password

    The one that comes with the router is vulnerable. We recommend using codes that combine letters, numbers and punctuation marks. One of the most effective tricks is the use of the letter eñe, which does not exist in other languages and slows down the violation of the password. The use of the company name and the use of series of correlative numbers should be avoided. If penetration tests are performed periodically, there is enough time to detect the threat.

    As we have explained, the activity of a company to avoid a cyberattack must be continuous. In fact, every year new formulas are created to access the various pages. The objective is to go ahead of those who want to obtain information illegally. By putting the above measures into practice, it is easier to gain peace of mind and security.

    In short, having a computer security company is very convenient in these times. It is an essential support when you do not have the appropriate means within the organization to keep data, infrastructures and equipment safe. We are Pasiona and we offer cybersecurity services and technological consulting specialized in Microsoft solutions.

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