Why it is increasingly necessary to trust cybersecurity companies

Alberto Blázquez 17/05/2022

    Cybersecurity companies are becoming more important every day in today’s digital world. In fact, today many transactions are made on the Internet, and not only monetary, but data or exchanges of goods. This makes the network a susceptible space for attack for many hackers. Therefore, it is essential to make a good investment in networks and cybersecurity.

    Reasons to trust cybersecurity companies

    All people want to have security on the physical plane, that is, in our homes or businesses. Why not do it online too? The Internet, in general, is a secure environment, especially in the field of

    cloud computing

    . However, it never hurts to have a reinforcement to have our data protected correctly. For this reason, we will leave some of the reasons why you should trust
    cybersecurity companies in Spain

    • Peace of mind. If we talk about security, a similar term comes to mind, which would be the peace of mind of working with greater guarantees. This means that employees can develop their tasks in a more calm way and knowing that they will not lose their progress. Of course, it is advisable to advocate for a cybersecurity business culture from senior management to employees of the lowest rank.
    • Productivity. Related to the previous aspect, if we work in a safer and calmer way, we will be more productive. That is, we can put all our effort into concentrating, which will undoubtedly have an impact on greater productivity. The processes will be more efficient and in case of suffering a cyberattack, there would be the possibility of recovering the lost data.
    • Competitiveness. Being more productive, the competitiveness of the company would be much greater, something that we would also notice with the profitability of the operations.
    • GDPR compliance. After the change in the General Data Protection Regime, it becomes even more important to advocate for cybersecurity. In this way, employees would have greater support, as would the customers we work with.
    • Brand image. All these aspects would have a direct impact on the improvement of the brand image of the company, physically and virtually.

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    How does cybersecurity work?

    Talking about cybersecurity is to highlight a term that every day has greater relevance, so it is broader. In the same way, the system needed by a multinational will not be the same as a small business that has just started. In any case, we will say how cybersecurity works broadly and the
    used in each case.
    Cybersecurity is defined as the set of procedures and tools implemented to protect the information generated in electronic devices. Here we include both computers and mobiles, servers, networks and electronic systems. Therefore, we see that they are techniques designed to protect the files of information.
    In addition, cybersecurity aims to build trust among customers, suppliers and the market. In this way, in a world as connected as the current one, offering security is essential and this is where cybersecurity comes in. What are its functions?

    Computer security

    It offers protection and management of information before any organization and works with four main areas. These areas are:

    • Confidentiality. Only authorized users can access resources or data.
    • Integrity. Only authorized personnel can modify the data when necessary.
    • Availability. The data will be available to users when needed.
    • Authentication. It allows you to verify access to certain data with secure methods.

    Hardware Security

    It is applied to the protection of physical elements in order to avoid threats and intrusions. For example, it tries to find existing vulnerabilities and warns of it to give you a solution.

    Software Security

    It protects applications from external threats such as viruses or malicious attacks.

    Network Security

    It allows the use of virtual data to be reliable and secure so that the information is not modified or stolen.

    The rise of cybersecurity companies

    Cybersecurity companies
    As we have discussed, the boom in activity on the network has led to the emergence of so-called hackers. And we are not talking exclusively about wanting to steal money, but also employee data or referring to the activity of the company. And we must not forget that with the arrival of the Internet, in today’s world the physical and digital plane coexist.
    Therefore, when carrying out the famous digital transformation, aspects related to cybersecurity must be taken into account. And this has led to many companies having to rely on companies specialized in digital security plans. However, not all companies handle the same number of employees or turnover. For this reason, each plan adjusts to certain parameters.
    In any case, this has resulted in many entities deciding to include such plans to have greater protection. And this is how cybersecurity entities have emerged, although this is not only a national phenomenon, but also around the world.
    Likewise, this boom in companies is due to the fact that large entrepreneurs and world leaders considered cyberattacks as a risk. Moreover, we could say that it is the most complex risk today, since they can attack us at several points. For this reason, having a specific cybersecurity plan requires so much importance.

    The commitment to cybersecurity

    In summary, these aspects show that advocating for cybersecurity allows us to have greater protection of companies. Therefore, it is appropriate that we have the services of cybersecurity companies that know how to apply a specific plan and adjusted to the needs.
    However, thanks to this we will be able to carry out the work with greater tranquility and security. And without a doubt, this will be something that leads to greater productivity, competitiveness and profitability.


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