What is Microsoft Viva and why it’s the key tool to empower your employees

Alberto Blázquez 24/03/2022

    Microsoft Viva is a new collaboration service from Microsoft that aims to help companies manage their employees and work more efficiently. It gathers information in an executive summary to give managers a better perspective of what motivates people within their teams. In the following sections we take a closer look at its characteristics.

    What is Microsoft Viva

    Microsoft Viva can be defined as a platform for managing the employee experience. It is powered by Microsoft 365 and brings together learning, information, and communication resources in one place.

    It’s a new integrated software package that comprises many of the most outstanding productivity capabilities of previous versions of 365. It features an easy-to-use interface that helps companies address key organizational priorities around their people.

    It allows for greater flexibility through remote work options, better performance management, better reporting features, and goal achievement tracking.

    The platform is composed of four basic modules:


    Microsoft Viva Connections delivers innovative team engagement experiences to help keep everyone informed and engaged. It fosters better engagement at work by providing employees with company resources and tools to do their jobs more effectively.

    It also connects users through a Microsoft 365 experience tailored to each person’s needs. And it provides easy access to the most relevant digital content for your daily functions.

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    (Learning) Learning

    Staff learning and development is a top priority for many businesses, especially those looking to scale and grow. Many workers say they would stay longer in organizations that invest more time and effort in their development. The Microsoft Viva training module addresses this point.

    It offers employees the opportunity to develop continuously through formal and informal learning opportunities. It helps staff acquire new knowledge and develop new skills. Select online lessons from providers like LinkedIn Learning every day.

    (Ideas) Insights

    Insights helps managers make decisions. It makes it easier for employees to work together by providing actionable insights that drive policies, processes, and productivity. It empowers people to thrive in the workplace through data-driven improvements. Increase employee well-being and increase collaboration among team members.

    (Themes) Topics

    Topics is a content management tool that allows employees to find information relevant to their work. Themes can be customized and provide information on any scope. From discussions about tools, projects or current ideas, to relevant news that are available on the internet.

    Benefits of Microsoft Viva

    Organizations, of whatever size, can no longer afford to overlook the engagement and well-being of their employees. In this sense, Viva is the first employee experience platform for the digital age.

    Combine video conferencing with learning programs and work-life balance tools to prevent employee burnout. At the same time, it supports teams to feel more connected. And it helps managers better understand the behavior patterns of their workers with the goal of improving communication, collaboration, and productivity.

    It is, for companies, an easy way to offer better work experiences. It allows them to maintain momentum and morale. Avoid discouragement, increase staff retention and improve the process of onboarding candidates or probationary staff.

    Other benefits are as follows.

    Employee Experience Optimization

    The most important thing a company can do to retain its employees is to offer them good experiences in the workplace. This will help prevent people from leaving the organization. When an employee enjoys their job and is comfortable in their position, they are much less likely to seek employment elsewhere.

    Viva provides an easy way to share relevant information with employees. Topics organizes all related material in one place, making it easy for everyone involved to access. E Insights helps managers understand the level of satisfaction of each person on their team. They can then focus on addressing their wellness needs if necessary.

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    Better decision making with Microsoft Viva

    The platform provides ways to make informed decisions that help the business grow. For example, the data that Insights selects helps determine what improvements need to be made to your hiring or human resources processes. The tool can also help with performance management and salary reviews. Its comprehensive analysis resources provide valuable information on all relevant aspects.

    More committed staff

    Lack of employee engagement is a big problem for many companies. Studies show that only a third of staff are committed to their employer. This is a reality that leads to lower productivity and motivation, as well as higher turnover rates. Customer satisfaction ratings can suffer as a result.

    Viva’s Connections tool is ideal for creating a company culture that puts everyone on the same page. Contributes to the improvement of internal communication. And for all employees to stay updated with the latest news and conversations from the organization.

    Finally, it should be noted that Microsoft Viva is a one-of-a-kind solution. Its operations are adapted to the new needs of accessibility and integration that companies have in the new labor framework.

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