5 Advantages of IT Outsourcing for your business

Pol Torras 02/09/2021

    The advantages of IT Outsourcing have positioned it as the structural solution to the crisis we are experiencing.

    In the midst of the pandemic, companies had to implement teleworking, depended more than ever on cloud services and needed, in record time, to respond to new challenges and computing needs. Many affected companies could not provide a solution to these demands from their small IT departments, often lacking adequate specific training.

    Fortunately, the companies that had outsourced their computer services were able to solve this situation without problems. Faced with the first difficulties, they had the advice and knowhow of specialists in IT services, placing them at the head of their competitors.

    These times, without a doubt, have shown us that the multiple advantages of IT Outsourcing as the most correct option when it comes to immediately facing new technological challenges and optimizing corporate budgets.

    Growth that takes hold

    According to what has been said so far, we could think that outsourcing services was a temporary solution that some companies chose to solve specific problems in a very atypical time. But the truth is that, at the end of last year, nine months after the start of the pandemic, the organization Whiteline Research published the “Spanish IT Outsourcing Study“. It consulted more than 230 participants from the main organizations that contract IT services in Spain and consolidated the growth of outsourcing services among Spanish companies.


    Over the next two years, more outsourcing is predicted for Spain, with 76% of respondents planning to outsource at the same rate or more.


    As well as the role of Agile in terms of delivery models:


    The adoption of Agile in Spain is also high with 55% and the manufacturing sector is, once again, ahead of the rest of the industrial sectors with 83%. The highest growth of AI and Agile is predicted for the public sector (58% and 40% respectively).


    Which solution is right for my business?

    A constantly changing market and technology forces companies to adapt to a changing environment. Sometimes, overcoming the obstacles we face requires time and the use of very precise tools.

    For years, to respond to these needs, the business world has been handling effective alternatives such as outsourcing or enjoying the advantages of IT Outsourcing that allow delegating certain tasks to external specialists.

    What are the differences with subcontracting?

    Subcontracting is a form of employment relationship that involves agreement with an external company that functions as an intermediary between the employee and the beneficiary company. The external company is responsible for providing the client with specialized professionals who perform specific tasks within the organization.

    Outsourcing proposes a relationship between two parties: the contracting company and the specialized company that offers the service. Thanks to outsourcing, corporate structures, processes or tasks can be transferred indefinitely to an external service provider.

    Benefits for your business

    And what are the advantages of IT Outsourcing?

    Web development code image


    Cost reduction.

    Transform fixed labor quotas into predictable and variable. It also saves on training, innovation and infrastructure costs.

    Minimize risks.

    Part of the risks and investments that until now the client assumes with outsourcing are transferred to the supplier.

    Increase your flexibility and organizational efficiency.

    Increase returns with the help of experts and design a more agile organization that reacts immediately to the demand for services, products or technology.

    Have on-demand access to the latest technology

    And to the certified expert profiles that are up to date with the news of the IT sector. The best, without large investments.

    Improve the quality of your service.

    Accelerate the launch of your products before the competition does.


    The most common services are the outsourcing of projects under client supervision, and the outsourcing of specific vacancies to complete the client’s technical team. If you are thinking of outsourcing any of these services to enjoy all the advantages of IT Outsourcing, contact our specialists to offer you the best solutions.

    CTA Outsourcing IT Services Request

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