Will 2019, finally, be the year of digital transformation (the real one)?

Equipo Comunicacion 05/03/2019

    Lack of knowledge, resources and time. These are the main reasons used by small and medium-sized companies to justify why they have not yet been able to address the necessary process of digital transformation in 2019.

    A pending issue from which the large ones are not spared, 42% of which do not have workers specialized in digitalization (82% in the case of SMEs). This is a matter of top priority for the economic and business fabric not only because of the risk of disappearance of those that do not address the digital challenge, but also because of a clear missed opportunity: increasing digital transformation rates by 10% would mean 250,000 net new jobs and 3.2% more GDP, according to OECD data.

    Leaders are clear that digital transformation is unavoidable, and for some years there have been high percentages of CEOs and other managers who placed this pending issue on their agenda of priorities. However, something has failed to translate that intention into reality. A digital transformation process requires not only the implementation of new tools, but also a change in culture and the way of working. Based on this handicap, the Forrester report speaks of a “stagnation” in digitalization in 2018, after which it predicts a change for this year 2019, in which “pragmatism” will be the general trend.


    Cloud, cybersecurity and blockchain, protagonists

    Several reports related to trends in digitalization, point to 2019 as the year in which the Cloud will strengthen its penetration in Spanish companies, with a growth of 20% and with a movement of 1,107 million euros. It is also the year of Artificial Intelligence, whose market will grow by 31% in Western Europe, while that of Blockchain will grow by 51% compared to 2018. Along with these lines, cybersecurity and process automation will be major protagonists in the gears of companies.

    Due to this lack of resources, ignorance and the clash with the most traditional business culture, the capacity for digital transformation is, of course, limited. Experts agree, and experience confirms this, on the importance of finding the right partner that has the necessary specialization to address the digitalization process from the grassroots and in a transversal way. So that the transformation is real and does not remain in the mere implementation of tools that, without the necessary advice and adequate training, lose all their meaning.

    In Pasiona we provide the technological knowledge that companies need to carry out the digital transformation with all the guarantees, working on it from innovation and with the ability to adapt each of our projects to the model and need of our clients at all times.


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