Azure ServerLess, serverless computing resources for your business

David Mirón 16/11/2021

    Azure ServerLess is Microsoft’s proposal aimed at making a company’s processes simpler. If you want to discover all its advantages, we invite you to read the following information.

    What is serverless computing?

    Let us explain the meaning of the working system of the aforementioned tool. Although its literal translation is serverless programming, there are some nuances that need to be clarified. Of course there are servers, but the end customer will not have to take care of their supervision thanks to the service provider.

    Thus, everything that is programmed, used and necessary for your business is stored in the Internet cloud. Code deployments, upgrades, maintenance and planning are much easier thanks to FaaS (function as service) technology. Your employees can program what they want based on preset templates in different languages such as Javascript or Node.js.

    What is Azure ServerLess?

    A comprehensive platform built by Microsoft that helps you make better use of your work time. Instead of allocating a specific space to physical servers and their care, you can use the entire infrastructure of your business. Virtual management helps increase the productivity of application developers, better value resources, and make innovation the common denominator of your business.


    What are the benefits of Azure ServerLess?

    There are many, but we prefer to focus on the three most important to make it easier for you to understand.


    Azure ServerLess


    Increased performance

    If all computers connect to a physical server, their speed slows down. The use of a platform that is managed in an automated way allows to collect, improve and operate applications of all kinds. The solutions you design will adapt to different models and environments. You’ll have the option to manage your applications differently using intelligent analysis and monitoring tools.

    Improving the speed of development

    The loss of time on non-essential tasks is so important that it affects the productivity of your business. Freeing developers from provisioning and maintaining a structure is essential to save work time. The use of APIs, services without the need for programming and even Machine Learning alternatives ready to use them immediately contributes to this.

    Innovate and adapt to the most current trends

    Digitalization is already synonymous with success. You will be able to speed up the commercialization of your catalog. It is also possible to choose innovation and increase the options to increase conversion levels. Reducing the cost of maintaining a specific infrastructure to host physical servers goes hand in hand with improved security and protection against threats.


    Other benefits of Azure ServerLess

    If you use apps to serve your customers more, you eliminate having to manage everything related to containers and code. The following options contribute to this.


    You can use container instances to provision pods. This makes it easier for applications to start without having to manage the additional resources of each process. Complement your designs with AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service and its virtual nodes).

    The approach is based on events that include automatic scalability managed by KEDA events (also addendable to the AKS cluster). This open source component allows containers to directly process events from their source providing zero-scaling capability.

    Serverless functions

    Its success consists in the possibility of executing the code written in any of the programming languages included in Azure Functions. Make demand-driven scalability the key to a new business stage. You will only have to pay for as long as the corresponding code is executed.

    The Functions runtime is just another Azure service (Azure Stack is included), but it also works in Azure IoT Edge and Kubernetes, on-premises, or in cloud storage in general. Other essential functions are:

    Azure Blob Storage

    It is used for the storage of binary and text data. Supports backups, media files, etc.

    Azure Cosmos DB

    It allows you to enjoy a NoSQL database with an immediate responsiveness. Having applications that need to respond with low latency and access data is a must-have feature.


    Pasiona Web Development & Cloud service request


    Serverless applications

    Azure App Service enables you to run, scale, and customize apps (mobile, API, and web) in a productivity-friendly environment. The total administration plays in favor of the user who can always know the status of each application and change it according to their needs.

    Scalability and automation

    From being the manager of an e-commerce, the union of Web Apps and Azure Functions helps developers generate personalized experiences. Azure will take care of the infrastructure.

    Immediate expansion of AKS through ACI

    The AKS virtual node is suitable for provisioning pods in ACI. AKS runs with the capacity for the standard workload. When the AKS cluster exhausts its capacity, additional pods can be scaled out without having to add new servers.

    Permanent deployment and integration for containers

    Each container is responsible for facilitating the deployment and compilation of applications. AKS helps sort containers so clusters can be more easily managed and replicated. The Azure Container Instances function runs containers without having to use virtual machines to run them.


    An ideal solution

    With its scalability, adaptability, and power, it’s easy to turn the Microsoft option into the key to your business future. It can be used by both an SME and a medium or large capacity company.

    Azure ServerLess is a wide range of services from which you should choose those that best suit your needs. Everything is to modernize your company, to save on costs and, especially, to offer all your customers a much more complete, direct and satisfactory experience.

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