Bootcamp: the best option to incorporate technological talent in the company

Pol Torras 03/02/2022

    Recruiting talent and retaining it is one of the great challenges of today, especially among young people interested in a bootcamp.

    A report prepared by Oracle about the millennial generation reveals the demand, impatience and entrepreneurial feeling of this group. Therefore, a bootcamp is one of the best options we can find today for our company.

    Digital talent in top-tier companies

    Technological talent requires a high level of specialization. Therefore, more and more companies are using disruptive and innovative training methods. Bootcamps are a program that is carried out at the foot of the field, intensively and in a short time. Until a few years ago, this term was limited only to military training carried out by soldiers in a short time. However, these intensive training programs were quickly included. In fact, in some cases, most candidates spend a lot of time with technology completing an immersion process. In this way, you can get digital talent in companies and be able to retain it quickly. There are also cases where competitions of students and professionals are organized to test their talent and skills. In other cases, it is also possible to mix those technical skills with others totally interpersonal. The so-called soft skills can enter the scene. Skills such as teamwork or leadership are worked on to improve potential. The main objective is to specialize, since it must be taken into account that technological platforms evolve rapidly. Therefore, it is a good option so that we can stay updated at all times. One of the main advantages offered by a bootcamp is that there are no barriers to entry. It is not necessary that we hold any type of university degree, or previous knowledge. Many of the participants have barely heard of the technology in which they will be trained. However, it is important to review the program in a transversal manner. For example, in Spain most of these trainings last a weekend or a week. On the other hand, in the United States they can last up to three months.

    IT Outsourcing Services

    A high employability rate thanks to the bootcamp

    The investment can be expensive, but the reward is also high. Completing one of these training programs qualifies the candidate to access a job related to the technology in question. In this sense, in our business we must look at this type of profiles if we want to incorporate technological talent. Average IT companies, and even larger ones, are increasingly looking at this niche.

    The developers of multinationals increasingly have their origin in this type of bootcamps. Generally, they offer many training programs related to programming languages. They are also a much faster way to find a job than the university career itself. The founder of Ironhack, one of the schools in Barcelona, points out that practically all of his students find employment before three months.

    Additionally, it is a trend that seems to have no end. The European Union has already revealed that it expects 45% of job openings to be technological by 2021. In this sense, if we are looking for talent, the bootcamp assures us a high level of specialization.

    A highly practical approach

    Digital talent in companies is more important than ever. Most businesses are undergoing a process of digital transformation. Those companies with a greater trajectory may require specialists in different digital fields from IT Outsourcing services. Bootcamps are mostly practical. On the other hand, they are planned so that any type of person can complete it and be prepared to face the world of work. There are many types, although programming is the most widespread. Each of these languages has its complexity, although JavaScript is one of the majority. These types of courses or training programs enable candidates to complete any project from start to finish. Developing a website involves a lot of work on both the back-end and front-end. From the so-called technological stacks it is possible to carry out these tasks. However, the boom in bootcamps allows us to find talent in other disciplines as well. For example, INESE recently organized a meeting of 200 young people related to the insurance sector, who were divided into different teams. The main objective was to solve up to 20 challenges by applying different
    design thinking
    methodologies. By completing them, greater efficiency, techniques to resolve conflicts and also improve teamwork were achieved.

    A course to solve any need

    The starting point of these training programs is very different from the traditional ones. We seek to solve possible needs that our company may have. From here, a fully specialized course is designed to train personnel in this function. The theoretical content is much lower than that of a university career, with a totally practical approach.

    It is a type of training that can be compared to the military, both in its intensity and its duration. In this sense, candidates must be prepared on a psychological level to complete it successfully. The offer to find a course of this type is wide and it is essential to find one in which the student feels comfortable. For companies it is an excellent option for the recruitment of digital talent already prepared to work. In many cases, it is necessary to train new employees who come in wasting time and resources.

    In conclusion, the digitalization and evolution of HR and selection processes is already a reality. Gamification between candidates helps recruiters to have more insights to choose the best candidate. For its part, the bootcamp is a new intensive training methodology that allows candidates to specialize in a technological platform. Programming languages are one of the main ones. In this sense, it has positioned itself as an option to take into account for the hiring of technological talent.

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