Cloud Computing to accelerate Digital Transformation processes

Alberto Blázquez 09/06/2022

    When we shared resources, before the advent of cloud services, we did so through scheduled connections. However, through the advent of cloud computing services, we can now enjoy services, infrastructure or applications in the cloud that streamline the sharing of these resources.

    What is Cloud Computing?

    It is a model that provides us with deliveries and services on demand. Cloud computing has been growing over the years. This growth has driven the development of services that meet customer needs. In this way, services such as private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud or multicloud have emerged.

    Cloud solutions allow that, instead of storing data on a computer or personal server, we can store it in the cloud. This information can consist of different types of data, such as apps or computer software , email, files or databases.

    Cloud computing services can be rented by the user, so we only pay for the resources we use. We use this type of technology in our daily lives much more than we really think.

    How cloud computing works

    This system works thanks to the fact that we can run our work in the cloud. It is understood as cloud an environment that is responsible for storing, grouping and sharing resources in a flexible way in the network. It is not a technology in itself, but rather the application of such technologies. Therefore, its operation is that of an action: it is responsible for running a workload in the virtual environment of the cloud.

    We must also understand that clouds are environments, it is the place where applications run and where information is stored. In this case, technologies are defined as elements. That is, they are elements of hardware and software, which serve to be able to use cloud services.

    In its operation, we can differentiate two parts:

    • Frontend: This is the user interface. In this section, we must include the application that allows us to access the cloud and the computer network used. This is the part that allows the user to connect to the backend by connecting to the internet.
    • Backend: in this section, reference is made to all the systems that the cloud uses to store all the required information. These structures are servers and computers.

    It is about fitting all these pieces together to be able to connect with a central server that determines the operation of the entire system. This will be responsible for using protocols and middleware software, which is key to promoting the connection between computers. As you can see, it is a simple system, but it has a complex operation.

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    Cloud services and cloud types

    Cloud types are the different models used to implement this work system. Until a few years ago, only two models were implemented: public cloud and private cloud. However, other models derived from the two basic ones, called hybrid cloud and multiple cloud, have now emerged.

    What is a public cloud?

    It refers to the most common of cloud services. Thanks to this model, it is possible to offer users resources on demand and immediately, using an internet connection. Everything that underlies it, whether software or hardware, is the property of the service provider. Thus, it is this one who is responsible for the administration of these resources and their maintenance. Therefore, the user is not in charge of these tasks.

    In a public cloud, we can deploy any type of application or resource. In addition, it can be used for software testing and experimentation, to store important information in a secure environment, to migrate databases, and so on.

    Thanks to this model, we can provide developers or system administrators with the ease of focusing on their work. This is because they don’t have to deal with computing or hardware capacity, among other tasks relevant to the IT department.

    What is a private cloud?

    In this model, the user has his own server system and infrastructure for the implementation of cloud solutions. These are companies that require total control of the environment of their work team. In this way, it was possible to replicate the success of the public cloud in much more secure environments and under the responsibility of the company itself. Therefore, the infrastructure, hardware and software are dedicated for the exclusive use of the organization itself.

    Thus, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of cloud computing: agility, scalability and process automation, among others.

    cloud computing

    What is a hybrid cloud?

    The hybrid cloud is the one that is composed of the two previous types of cloud. These are perceived as independent components, however, they are united. This union, through standardized technology, facilitates communication, the use of applications and the exchange of data. Thus, you get the best of both models.

    Generally, it is achieved when companies with private cloud begin to need more resources that they cannot maintain. It is then when the hiring of an external storage service occurs that allows the organization not to lose its productivity and efficiency.

    What is multicloud?

    In this case, it’s about deploying two or more cloud types at once. This method is used to enjoy high availability, which is usually obtained by contracting public cloud services from two or more providers. In addition, it is common to have your own servers from a private cloud. In this way, it is not necessary to perform migrations when hiring new services.

    Today, the use of cloud computing is key for users, both individuals and organizations. These services allow you to host data to access it from anywhere. It is even possible to store backups, which can be protected with security systems. At the moment, the use of cloud services is consolidated and offers very solid solutions to users.


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