Mobile Development: Xamarin vs Hybrid or Native Apps

Xavi Payà 27/01/2022
    Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles

    Xamarin is our choice in mobile application development as it allows us to achieve successful projects. Do you want to know why?

    In this post we will address one of the best options, such as Xamarin for mobile development. We will also see the main differences between a hybrid app and a native app.

    Key differences between hybrid and native apps

    There are many differences between native vs hybrid apps. Some of the most outstanding are the following:

    • Learning curve: When we bet on a native application, we must learn to develop it on each of the platforms. This refers to both the programming language and the API that we are going to use. Thus, the learning curve is much slower than in a hybrid. In the latter, on the other hand, we should only focus on known languages. Some examples are CSS, JavaScript or HTML.
    • Export process: Exporting an app to other platforms is becoming more frequent. For this reason, a hybrid application presents a much simpler and more versatile process than a native one. In this case, we will have to program them for each of the languages before exporting them.
    • Development cost: A hybrid application has much lower costs than a native one. The unique use of languages such as JavaScript, CSS or HTML makes the type of development we must carry out very fast. Native apps, on the other hand, need a fully customized and tailored process for each platform.
    • Yield: Today, the performance between the two types of applications is very similar. Therefore, due to cost savings, hybrids are still one step ahead. Only in specific cases, in which the use of 3D graphics is necessary, is the development of a native application more beneficial.

    Visual aspects and features of the device

    Over time, a hybrid app is catching up with a native app. A few years ago, the natives had the advantage that they could access all the features of the device. For example, the camera, the GPS position or the address book. However, hybrids have fewer and fewer limitations. We can even benefit from certain frameworks that allow us to develop in native language. Therefore, they already offer almost the same functionalities.
    Also, on a visual level, it is logical to think that the natives are one step ahead of the hybrids. Without going any further, when we develop a native application we do it totally customized. Therefore, the experience we can offer the user is à la carte.
    However, the latest advances in the development of hybrid Web apps already allow you to take advantage of CS3 and HTML5 updates. In this way, it is already possible to simulate effects and characteristics of a natively developed application.

    Why bet on Xamarin for mobile development

    Xamarin, as we already advanced in our article on why Xamarin is a safe bet for the development of mobile applications, is another step in the advancement of hybrid applications. It is fully cross-platform, so it will allow us to develop for both Android and iOS mobile devices without problems. But the added value goes further. The use of this device saves us the need to use Java for Android and Objective-C for Apple phones.
    We have the ability to reuse code by programming for the three main platforms on the market. This will save us a huge amount of time, and also greater efficiency. We will only have to carry out this process once, instead of three. We will therefore be able to review it further. In case of finding an error, the correction will be reflected on all three platforms at the same time.
    This interface will provide us with a totally native experience, accessing all parts of the mobile hardware . In this sense, we can achieve an excellent result in terms of user experience. A fundamental factor to obtain a good valuation at the end of the project. Also, the platform is very useful in the long run. One of the main advantages of native applications is that they can adapt to each of the updates of the devices. With Xamarin we will have as many third-party libraries as if we were developing a native application.
    With this platform we will have covered the entire production cycle. We can develop it without problems, and also test and test it as many times as we need it. Before sending it to any of the stores, we will have made sure that the performance and optimization will be correct.

    Develop for any device

    Through Xamarin we will have a platform to be able to work in a completely integral way. We will have the opportunity to develop for any type of device. In addition, it is not only valid for smartphones, but the applications will be compatible with smartwatch and Smart TV.
    Also, in our company we will not need a very large team. Generally, in those companies that are dedicated to the development of native applications, an expert in each field is necessary. This raises costs, especially for those businesses with fewer resources.
    On the other hand, if we incorporate Xamarin, we will be able to obtain maximum profitability at all times. Through a single team we will be able to face the development of any project on all available platforms. And, we can always achieve the best results with a great user experience.
    Finally, we must not forget that it is an option that we have quickly accessible to download on our work team. If we need it, it is also possible to import the code from another program and continue developing it. For example, we can start the development of a native application for Android in Java, and finish it in Xamarin. It is becoming available on more platforms, including Linux. The graphical development environment will also adapt completely to our needs and the way we work. It is also possible to carry out fully shared projects.
    In conclusion, if we are looking for a system to develop comprehensive applications for all platforms, this is Xamarin. We will achieve the same results as with a native application, but with really lower costs and efforts. And this, at a time when mobile technology is key to managing teams, is a great benefit for companies.

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