Pasiona takes to MWC16 the first home banking app developed entirely in Xamarin

Equipo Comunicacion 23/12/2015

    Efficiency, usability and cross-platform integration. These are the features of the mobile application that we have developed for Arquia and that becomes the first home banking app in Spain developed entirely with Xamarin.

    On the occasion of our participation in the Mobile World Congress 2016 (MWC16), we announce the details of the project, with which they have managed to solve, with the minimum cost and the greatest efficiency, the limitations of the physical network of offices of the bank in the national territory, by offering access to the most common operations from the smartphone.

    The global figures for the use of mobile banking show what is an unstoppable trend: at the end of 2014, eight hundred million people regularly accessed their bank through Smartphone, a figure that is expected to double in four years. According to the Mobile Report in Spain and the World 2015, by the agency Ditrendia, 72% of banks believe that in 2020 their customers will stop going personally to their bank branches due to the boom in mobile use.

    Aware of this reality, for the Arquia app the user has been thought of from minute zero, achieving an application that, in addition to being accessible from anywhere and smartphone, offers maximum ease of use. Such has been the success that Arquia’s own customers now demand the same level of usability for the web application. The new Arquia app allows you to carry out any operation available in the office from your mobile phone: manage cards, make transfers, contact the manager and find offices, among others.

    The use of Xamarin has been key in achieving the best result by minimizing the resources used as well as the costs generated for the client. Our head of the Mobility team, Juan Cuello, assures us: “The creation of a native app usually involves making the same application in different technologies, one for each operating system”. Thanks to Xamarin, it has been possible to “develop it once and have it available for any device”, be it Windows Phone, iOS or Android. The saving of efforts, resources and economic investment is more than evident, concludes Cuello.


    We have chosen the Mobile World Congress 2016, held in Barcelona from 22 to 25 February, to present some of our most outstanding projects as reference specialists in Microsoft technologies. To do this, we have turned its stand into a parallel universe baptized as #PasionaPlanet that visitors have been able to explore to know the keys for projects to reach the stars. The proposal has been characterized by its interactivity thanks to a video game generated for the occasion, inspired by the traditional Arcade and also available in app format of the game Pasiona Planet for download in any of the mobile operating systems on the market.

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