Power Platform: a complete guide for companies that want to digitally transform their business

Equipo Comunicacion 21/11/2023
    Ilustración de una tableta con cubos de colores que representan diferentes aplicaciones y datos. La imagen representa cómo Power Platform puede ayudar a las empresas a automatizar tareas y mejorar flujos de trabajo.

    In the midst of digital transformation, the implementation of IT applications is of vital importance for a company to achieve its goals. It is also a cornerstone for automating many tasks so that you can focus on doing value-added work; Therefore, in this article we will analyse Power Platform and why it is so important to most businesses.

    What is Power Platform?

    This SaaS (Software as a Service) platform is available in Microsoft’s offering as a complement to support Microsoft 365 or Azure, among others. Without having to use too much code, companies have the possibility to realise automation processes quickly and easily; In this way, it will be possible to improve the different workflows that have been established;

    With its system, any user with basic computer skills is able to create customised business applications; However, the organisation’s code specialists can expand the possibilities by carrying out much more complex and customised work; For this reason, Power Platform has the ability to adapt to all types of professionals, regardless of their skills.

    Organisations are increasingly unique, with your work routines and changing scenarios. However, this Microsoft option addresses situations that arise within the corporation and can be useful in any type of department; It can even be used to create databases to safeguard valuable information in the cloud, using the Azure SQL Database service;

    Applications that make up Power Platform

    In this complete guide we are also going to learn about the main low-code applications that make up this offer. Some of the most outstanding are the following:

    1. Power BI

    Data analysis is one of the main demands of organizations, with more and more data-driven business models. Through this application, Power BI connects to various data sources, such as files, databases or web services, and transforms and models them for analysis;

    Therefore, all the information will be connected, ready to be analysed or shared with whomever is needed. The team’s only concern is to visualise the data and make decisions;

    2. Power Apps

    Companies that offer products and services online need to develop an app with which they can interact from their mobile phone. Through this platform, it will be possible to meet these challenges without being a coding expert;

    This way, you can easily connect all company information to create any kind of app. As mentioned above, if something more complex is needed, programming specialists will be able to customise the code.

    3. Power Automate

    With this low-code tool, any type of employee will have the ability to create fully automated workflows. In this way, applications will be able to provide services without the need for interaction with a worker; At the same time, it is possible to add automatic reminders for the completion of overdue tasks;

    Data can be moved between different systems, with the possibility of get to connect to up to 500 completely different data sources.

    4. Power Virtual Agents

    Finally, chatbots are another option offered by this Microsoft package. It is increasingly important to automate customer services to provide an immediate response to any consumer concern;

    In this sense, with Power Virtual Agents it is possible to have this option on a website, in a social media profile or in an app.

    Advantages of implementing solutions with Power Platform

    When it comes to taking a step forward in the digital transformation of our organisation, Power Platform offers a wide range of benefits. Some of the highlights are as follows:

    • Low code: undoubtedly one of the great differential values; It allows organisations to save costs and time by training or searching for profiles specialised in programming languages;
    • It provides the possibility to use a proprietary information system, although it is extensible to any type of data source;
    • Versatility and extensibility are other main features that we can take advantage of by working with this platform;
    • It can integrate with other products such as Azure, as well as take advantage of the many artificial intelligence models currently on the market;

    Power Platform&OpenAI

    The artificial intelligenceis one of the main objectives of organisations in recent months, especially because of the great added value it can offer. In the case of this Microsoft product, the options are very varied; In general terms, its combination with OpenAI allows convert natural language into a valuable action. For this reason, by typing a simple sentence, the system will automate this task;

    It is another of the possibilities we have at our disposal to save time by processing work, and above all, reducing costs in an efficient way; With the advances in the different languages available, OpenAI has caught up with other options such as Bart or ChatGPT.

    In fact, this functionality is available in most of the applications in the package offered by Microsoft to all users;

    How to implement Power Platform in your company

    Once we know how this platform works and all its benefits, it is also essential understand the steps to follow to implement it in the organisation. Initially, it is vital that you identify what your business needs are and how this Microsoft package can help you meet them; Once this work has been completed, Pasiona will design the implementation process;

    Our team works closely with any of our customers to connecting data sources from any system to platform components. Once the integration is complete, we help the components of all the equipment to form and provide the necessary maintenance;

    In conclusion, Power Platform is one of the best options available to carry out a digital transformation process that is efficient and profitable for improving the profitability of a business.

    Do you want to know more about how Power Platform can help your company? Request a free consultation with a Pasiona expert.

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