Success of Dual FP in Pasiona: more than 90% of students end up joining the team

Equipo Comunicacion 20/05/2019

    This week we receive in Pasiona what is one of our largest batches of Dual FP to date.

    Thirteen students from 3 centers in Barcelona begin a new path of technological, professional and labor learning with us under the training parameters of Dual FP in terms of school-company involvement and with a view to labor insertion as the ultimate goal of this collaboration. These 13 new students join the five who have done internships during the last year and who are getting closer to becoming part of the team. And it is that more than 90% of the students who train with us through the Dual FP route end up joining the company with a contract. A resounding success that makes us proud, and proof that dual training is the necessary way to prepare the talent of the future.

    Pasiona’s commitment to continuous training is clear, and in this case Dual FP has been a line not only strategic but of deep confidence in the necessary training in companies, especially in the ICT context. Constant innovation and the emergence and technological updating force schools to be very up to date, a task sometimes very difficult to tackle. The role of the company in this context is beneficial from several perspectives. For schools, because it becomes an essential complement to training; for the company, because it trains talent from its inception and favors the coverage of the demand for technical profiles; And for the students themselves, so they learn not only about technology, but at a business and work level, being able to focus their future professional career on what interests them once they have been able to see it up close and on a real plane.

    Specifically, this week we welcome Adrià, Jaume, Manel, Alberto and Adrià, on behalf of Salesians de Sarrià; Zakaria, Guillem, Eduard, Sergi, Noureddine and David, from the Escola Pía center in Mataró; and Adam and Rodrigo, from the Badía del Vallés Vocational Training Institute.



    Recognition for involvement in Dual FP

    The involvement of Pasiona with Dual FP has led us to be worthy of the I Alliance Award for Dual FP in the SME category. The award recognises the cooperation between the actors involved, the international nature of the projects and the dissemination effort of the companies that are committed to Dual Vocational Training. We also received special recognition in Dual FP from Salesians de Sarrià, one of the main centers with which we currently collaborate. These awards are another example of the good work in terms of dual vocational training, and another motivation to continue cooperating in the educational and professional development of students in the technological environment.

    Thanks to the collaboration between Pasiona and the centers of the Dual FP, the labor insertion of these students is not only reinforced or guaranteed, but occurs gradually, avoiding the shock that supposes fall For the first time in the company just out of the classroom, once they finish their regulated training. Experience confirms Dual FP as the most effective path towards these goals, as well as offering us the satisfaction of seeing kids grow and evolve both technically and professionally and personally. With this new batch of students, we want to continue betting on this path that we started when we started Pasiona joined the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training and that we continue on the path of success, maintaining a firm commitment to train talent, collaborate with the education sector and, ultimately, shed light on the future employment of our young people.



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