What can I do to disconnect from teleworking?

Pol Torras 23/07/2020

    Now that teleworking is the order of the day, we must know how to adapt to the new normal, which includes working from home and the dreaded non-disconnection of the workday, but how can we reconcile our personal space and our professional life?

    Of course, teleworking seems to have only advantages; Your own schedules, always eat at home, get up as many times as you want, avoid travel time and traffic jams, the expenses that all this entails, etc., but without properly organizing ourselves we can transform, without realizing it, an 8-hour day into a 12-hour one.

    Surely you already know how to organize yourself, but just in case, we want to give you some small tips or tips very easy to follow, which soon you will have more than internalized to work in a more comfortable and enjoyable way.


    • Plan the day: Whether you have to escape for a moment to the pharmacy or if you have to take the children to the park for a while, it is advisable that any distraction enters your planning, marking a time of entry and exit. This way you will have more than control your workday and you can enjoy your family and friends as soon as possible.
    • Your workspace: Make sure that the space you use to work is exclusively for work. Nothing will happen to work a day from the kitchen, but that is not a usual thing, because otherwise it will cost you more and more to separate your work from your personal scope.
    • Use tools to manage your tasks: It is very likely that you already have them, but it is always good to remember that technology is our greatest friend in any field, so take advantage of it and make the most of it.
    • Dress even if you don’t plan to leave home: It’s part of a healthy routine of connection with work and, believe it or not, it works. This helps you focus and not continue to sleep with your eyes open.
    • Pamper your workspace: Decorate it, make it feel at home, never better said. Feel at peace with him and share this pleasant feeling with your companions. This also includes a good work chair. Remember that we tend to slouch in front of the computer, avoid unnecessary postures that can cause damage to your back in the short or long term.
    • Leave the house at least once a day: Go out to breathe the fresh air. The sun is as necessary as rest for human beings, so it is necessary to find a moment between Netflix and the popcorn to go out to wake up our legs a little and clear ourselves.
    • Leave your food ready, like any other day: So that you do not spend much more time cooking than you would like, or so as not to end up eating a sandwitch in front of the computer, leave the food prepared the night before as you did before confinement. In this way you also give yourself your disconnection time to eat and separate it from one more duty.
    • Meet with your colleagues: Informally, find time to do a group meeting, laugh, catch up, joke, make a coffee with them even from behind the screen is essential for your well-being at work.


    Many of these tips are well known to workers, but not all put into practice, either by mistake or by the little importance given to these recommendations. Bad telecommuting habits can hurt your productivity and performance while you work.

    At pasiona, we help reinvent the way companies work, introducing quality and more productive teleworking Do you think your organization is getting the most out of teleworking? Contact us in case of need or doubt and leave it in the hands of our specialists.

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