Why you need to outsource your IT department

Pol Torras 27/09/2021

    Every year there is an increase in the number of businesses that leave the IT needs of their organization in the hands of a specialized company, moving towards digital transformation and significantly improving their scalability.

    According to the most important survey on outsourcing or outsourcing of IT services in Spain this is precisely the main reason why companies plan to outsource their department. Although scalability tops the figures, in decision-making it is closely followed by the improvement in the quality of service and, of course, the reduction of costs. It is reasonable to think that increasing the work capacity or size of a business without compromising its operation and quality often require the outsourcing of some corporate structures. Normally they are those that are not part of our “core business”.

    “Core Business and IT Outsourcing”

    Surely at this point you have made an exhaustive analysis of your competition or distinctive advantage, that is, the value of your company. When we define our “core business” (mission, vision, core competency, product analysis…) an obvious question arises: is it possible to delegate some activities or departments that are not part of our company’s DNA?

    Considering hiring a company specialized in IT services whose raison d’être of your business, or the heart of your organization, is the IT department seems the most reasonable. But would we be making a tactical or strategic decision?

    Outsourcing as a business strategy

    Strategy is the adaptation of resources and organizational skills to the environment, taking advantage of opportunities and evaluating risks based on objectives and goals. Having a business strategy implies having a vision about the future and, without a doubt, should lead us to consider where we want to go.

    On many occasions this perception about the future of our company is not shared with the service provider company. Outsourcing the IT department is considered a tactical decision: cost reduction, quality improvement… But sharing with the outsourcing service “what company do we want to be?” transforms the simple supplier into an ally. Transform a tactical decision into a strategic one.

    How to know if it’s time to outsource

    The outsourcing of IT services is not something new and any company could benefit economically from this type of services. But we often wait to hire the services of an external provider when we are in an emergency situation or need urgent technical help from abroad.

    Frequently, before manifesting this circumstance that requires all our attention and speed, we are usually shown warning signs, not so obvious, that indicate that the outsourcing of the IT department is being inevitable, namely:

    • We have a backlog of unresolved customer tasks and requests. And those that are resolved show a more than deficient quality.
    • Security problems arise and the vulnerability of our system increases.
    • There is a demand for technology and modifications to the IT system that the internal team is unable to implement because they do not have the experience or adequate training.
    • Our company does not have the budget to update its entire IT structure.

    6 compelling reasons to outsource your IT department


    The image shows a web developer in front of three computer screens


    1. Be more competitive

    The company will be better prepared for market fluctuations and able to respond to managers’ cost demands.

    2. Always operational

    You will be able to respond immediately to any setbacks that may occur.

    3. “Core business”

    As we have mentioned before, the IT department will become for the provider company specialized in IT outsourcing in its “core business”.

    4. You’ll save time and money

    You will quickly implement new technologies.

    5. Guaranteed updating and security

    In the face of increasingly frequent threats and risks, you will have the most up-to-date tools, fleeing from computer obsolescence.

    6. Costs adjusted to your needs

    Your company will pay only for what it really needs.

    7. Team of experts at your disposal

    Trained, certified and experienced. Experience and technical knowledge is essential to find the best solutions to your technological problems and direct you towards the digital transformation of your business.


    CTA Outsourcing IT Services Request

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