80% of Spanish companies turn their backs on Cloud Computing

Alberto Blázquez 20/09/2016

    Cloud computing, popularly known as ‘cloud technology’, is a model of recognized success worldwide for its innumerable advantages.

    However, the penetration rate in Spain is still very low. We put on the table a devastating fact: 80.7% of Spanish companies have not implemented it. And, despite having everything necessary to make the leap, they are 2 years behind the rest of the countries of the European Union. This is a disastrous fact if we take into account the strategic value of the cloud from the point of view of competitiveness.

    The figures allow different readings, but there are some clear conclusions both positively and negatively. On the one hand, cloud penetration in enterprises has experienced a significant improvement in the last year (19.3% in 2016 compared to 15.4% in 2015). On the other hand, 14 communities are below the national average, which gives an idea of the low representation of that 19.3% beyond Madrid and Catalonia. To elaborate his ‘x-ray’ of the situation of the cloud in Spain, Pasiona has used data from the latest study of the INE (Survey on the Use of ICT and electronic commerce in companies).

    From a technical and technological point of view, all Spanish communities are prepared to make the leap. Proof of this is that the degree of Internet penetration is 98.4% in Spain as a whole, and that the presence of mobile broadband stands at 82.9%. However, this leap to the cloud is still a pending issue that must be addressed urgently: Spain’s figures are still reaching the level of the European average of 2014, when 19% of EU companies had already made the leap to the cloud. In that year, Spain did not exceed 14%, according to official figures handled by Eurostat.

    “The problems of the cloud in Spain do not have to do with technology, but with the lack of information or the absence of a clear strategic criterion on the part of some companies,” explains our CEO, David Teixidó. “Cloud computing solutions are characterized precisely by flexibility and ease of adaptation, in addition to significant cost savings,” says Manu Delgado, head of Cloud. “The cloud offers an immense catalog of services and products to take advantage of when facing a project and guarantee the greatest competitive advantage in the market (Time to Market)”, adds Delgado.

    The advantages of applying a cloud computing model to the business world are obvious: on the one hand, they contribute decisively to maintaining updated and reliable data, which is basic for commercial platforms, sales forces, multi-office structures, franchises and a long etcetera.

    On the other hand, it allows to improve the communication systems between headquarters, between companies and their customers or even customize the purchasing needs of each of the customers. Another basic feature of cloud computing is that it saves costs with minimal investment. This is remarkably important in items such as internal and external telephony, the connection of devices or even subsistence allowances and travel expenses, which are reduced to what is strictly necessary.


    Pasiona Infographic on Cloud Penetration

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