Technology as a tool for employer branding
Employer branding
is one of the most used alternatives to better know who works, or wants to do so, in a company. It is reviewed below how technology comes to implement its benefits effectively.
The use of technology in HR
The world of work has changed significantly in recent years. Just as no one doubts that dual vocational training brings various advantages to a company, the relationship between the person who hires and the person hired has evolved a lot. So much so that some candidates require the corresponding company to have the best technology to make their experience as an employee more satisfactory.
In addition, it is also requested that the company put at its disposal all possible resources so that the development of digital skills is the best possible. It is about speeding up procedures, accessing any documentation in less time and having the most appropriate tools to gain productivity and competitiveness.
A new labour market led by talented people
is one of the strategies that helps to improve the business image, but also the direct consequence of two factors. The first, that the employee has passed the interview. The second, that he finds the company attractive enough to want to work in it.
Now, to get a job there are several alternatives, so technology becomes a fertile ground to turn any company into a more attractive one in the eyes of potential candidates.
The main reasons why technology complements employer branding
Digitalization is not an option, but an obligation not to miss the train of progress. Thus, companies that carry it out correctly can obtain the following advantages.
The more advanced the digital tools for hiring someone, the easier it will be to spot talent. Teleworking allows you to have excellent professionals who do not have to reside in the same country in which the company has its headquarters. Digital nomads and especially younger workers are looking for a work-life balance. This alternative helps to turn any company into a more global one and better adapted to current trends.
The renewal of the selection process
The era of interrogation, psychological testing and the like has passed into history. When a selective process is updated, fresh and does not fall into the mistakes of the past, it is achieved, implicitly, to offer a different image of the company. Gamification, group dynamics And even online tests are just some examples of everything that can be improved in this regard.
Digitalization as the basis for personal development
Any current worker knows that in the near future digital skills will be definitive to evolve as a professional. If when accessing a company they have to use the most modern digital tools on a daily basis, they will be urged to update their knowledge and adapt to a new reality. Both concepts are a challenge for those who seek to improve themselves and do not want to limit themselves to having a monotonous work life. The motivation to find new formulas to be more competitive influences, directly, to have more desire than ever to go to work.
Improving the employee experience
As has been indicated, the relationship between the company and those who work in it is already bilateral. Each employee should enjoy a pleasant experience when carrying out their professional work. It is not about working only for the money or creating an inadequate environment in which it is confirmed that the patterns of yesteryear have become obsolete.
The new concept of Employee Experience means that a professional can access from his virtual station to all the resources he needs in seconds. That is, there are no limits for teleworkers who can also be part of a virtual community to experience the same feeling as when they go to work at the company. The sum of the above factors has a positive impact on the image projected by the company.
The digital culture of the company
The sum of the points discussed above results in a specific company culture. Basing it on digitalization goes hand in hand with giving employees all the resources at their disposal so that they better connect with the philosophy of the brand. The greater the effort to digitize processes and offer modernized options, the more likely you are to turn any vacancy in the company into a more coveted one.
What is the level of effectiveness of the use of technology in employer branding?
According to a recent study by IDC Spain, 44% of SMEs that have invested in digital transformation have achieved immediate benefits. The use of technology is not synonymous with complicating the selection process or displacing existing staff, quite the opposite. It is a complement to the job that invites the growth and development of each professional in the organization chart of the company.
It is advisable to create a pilot program and test it before launching it definitively. Likewise, it is recalled that it is no longer managing workers who do a specific job, but talented people who, apart from working, are decisive to make a company a leap in quality thanks to the modernization of its way of working.
The use of a management program allows to analyze individually what is the work done and helps to highlight the strengths to enhance them. Reorganizing the workforce to make it more productive is, without a doubt, a good start to a new business stage.
Thus, it is concluded that technology is both an enormously useful tool to streamline processes and a claim for those who could end up working in a company. The achievement of a more effective employer branding strategy will depend on the intention to adapt to the current times of the corresponding entrepreneur.
Employee Experience, Employer branding, Hr
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