What is Dual Vocational Training, what are its advantages and how it adds value to the company?

In recent years, business and education have become increasingly linked. This has led to a greater number of opportunities to enter the world of work. Precisely, one of the latest novelties is the Dual FP, which we talk about in this article. In this sense, we will analyze its advantages and its possibilities of application to the company.
What is Dual FP
Traditionally, students in a vocational training cycle carry out a programme divided into two phases. On the one hand, the theoretical contents, which are learned entirely in the educational center. On the other, the practical ones, which are acquired in the center and in a collaborating company.
However, the new modality brings even more relevance to work in business. In this way, a student can have a greater presence in this and not reduced to the phases of conventional practices, which are usually located during the last months. This is an example of annual planning based on this VET:
- First quarter: Presentation of the theoretical contents and planning of the Dual between schools and companies.
- Second trimester. The selection process is carried out by the companies.
- Third trimester. Conventional practices begin in the company.
All of the above is carried out during the first course. During this, companies come to the center to do aptitude assessments and search for personnel. Then, they choose the students who best suit their needs and offer them an internship program.
During the second year of the FP, the company acquires all the relevance. Generally, you will continue in an internship regime between the months of September to May, which coincide with the school year of a cycle. However, the school continues to monitor and analyze the student’s work throughout the time.
What are the advantages of Dual FP
Undoubtedly, this learning modality has great benefits for the student, the educational center and the company. It is a modality that brings more importance to the practical phase. Therefore, it is obvious that the learning process takes place much faster.
Influence on future professionals
The current market is constantly renewing itself, especially after the pandemic. Therefore, it is essential to take part in the process of change to shape future workers. In this sense, Dual Vocational Training allows companies to influence students and give them the necessary skills to jump into the workplace.
Collaboration agreements
In different Autonomous Communities, collaboration agreements are signed between companies and public institutions. In this way, companies can benefit from subsidies to pay the Social Security of students. In others, they take the form of tax cuts or certain types of aid.
Selection process
There are certain internship programs (such as some university programs) that are based on the average grade. However, in this case, it is the company that selects the candidates. Thus, it is possible to choose a person who adapts to the values of the company and shows the skills that are sought.
Dissemination of business culture
Undoubtedly, infusing corporate culture is often complex in professionals who come from other businesses. In the case of students, it is their first contact with the workplace. Consequently, they will be able to assume and endorse the values of the business. It is an opportunity to strengthen the moral and inspirational code from the new generations.
Greater talent management
In itself, this is one of the trends in the search and management of digital talent that you should know. Today, this type of VET opens a very interesting opportunity in this regard. We refer to incorporating new and young professionals who are willing to develop their skills. In this case, techniques such as reskilling would no longer be an obstacle.
What value does Dual FP bring to the company?
After having reviewed its advantages, we will see what value it brings to companies. In this sense, we will comment on what it transmits to the image of this, to its way of working and to the perception of the staff. All this is based on practical cases and backed by one’s own experience.
Contribute to reducing youth unemployment
These days, Spain hovers around a youth unemployment rate of 30%. Companies that opt for the dual modality of VET will demonstrate a commitment to its reduction. In this way, they act as dynamic elements of the economy in a clear impact that occurs on its image.
Regenerate the template
By this, we do not mean replacing staff members. What we propose is that the staff is refreshed by providing young people, with enthusiasm and willing to learn. In this article we talk about a similar topic and explain what business onboarding is and how to make it a success.
They receive new ideas
Each worker is a potential source of ideas. This is a concept that has not yet caught on, but it is beginning to be valued in its true dimension. Interns are people who have just received the most up-to-date training and want to prove it. At the same time, they have the ability to launch ideas and seek solutions from a different point of view.
Longer permanence
The arrival of an intern requires a technical and organizational investment by the company. This may not be worth it if the stay is short, but with the dual program it is different. In general, the student usually works for about 970 hours, spread over two years.
As has become clear in this article, Dual FP is an opportunity for companies and students. In short, an alternative to the drawbacks that the old internship programs presented (and continue to present). Therefore, companies should begin to explore this solution and propose ways of adaptation. The future is coming by leaps and bounds and schools have the answer to this question.