6 keys to attract and retain technological talent in your company

Pol Torras 11/10/2022

    There are many companies that constantly struggle to find professionals with technological talent that allow them to anticipate and assume technological advances. Discovering these people and being able to retain them for the company is an efficient way to have excellent work teams.

    How to find new technological talents for our company?

    It is clear that organizations must be proactive in finding people who can excel in important areas such as web development, digital marketing and data management, among others. These areas need the cultivation of good work teams, which promote the growth and development of the company.

    Developing effective strategies to discover and retain IT talent for businesses can be an exciting and enriching experience, especially when our organization has spent a lot of time searching.

    Thus, it is possible to customize aspects such as the training of workers to focus on allowing them to adapt to the additional terms of new technological requirements. This practice can be much more cost-effective by avoiding recruitment and onboarding costs.

    In addition, during the digital transformation in companies, the unnecessary dismissal of workers is avoided, since they can be transferred to other roles or even to new departments where they can deploy all their skills.

    6 keys to discover technological talent within the company

    There are some strategies that will allow our organization to discover and leverage technological talent. Taking these initiatives will undoubtedly bring enormous benefits to the company, so that, although they are a challenge and an investment of time and money, they will serve to obtain even greater advantages that will give the company greater competitiveness and increase its performance.

    In addition to this, these strategies will help those employees with more time in the company, since they will allow them to train to better respond to new technological challenges.

    For these strategies to yield the best results, it will be necessary to look beyond the titles and jobs currently held by employees. This will open up a world of possibilities to find the technological talent we are looking for. These training programs can also include training for the area of human resources, in order to get the necessary skills to detect and attract candidates with interesting talents.

    Key 1: Reverse tutoring

    This technique consists of allowing high-potential junior talent within the organization the opportunity to train managers and senior positions, even when they are very experienced personnel. This experience can occur if we do not let ourselves be carried away by structures such as bureaucracy, rigid culture or our own within the company.

    In this way, executive positions can learn about new technologies, listen to fresh ideas and implement new working methods. All of this allows executives to break down silos, jump levels, and allow fresh ideas from junior employees to be heard and implemented for the benefit of the company.

    Key 2: Training recruiters

    Recruitment IT is the process of finding candidates for vacancies within the company. The people in charge of carrying out this process must have a training that allows them to detect, with a good eye, the technological talent necessary for the position that is available.

    It is very common that the teams in charge of performing this function lack skills such as comprehension or vocabulary to attract these candidates, as well as contact networks that facilitate the task of retaining talent.

    Candidates must have not only an impeccable degree and resume , but also technological and commercial skills suitable for the job to which they are applying. Thus, it is very important that the recruiting team has good structures, motivations and evaluation techniques for candidates, which are adequate to be able to recognize the best talents.

    Key 3: Technological projects

    Many young talents prefer to work with startups than join the teams of industry giants. This happens because a young company will allow them to work on something really new and striking, in addition to having open work plans, flexibility and interesting benefits.

    Thus, with the creation of innovative technological products and really attractive hiring conditions, our organization will be able to attract these new talents.

    Key 4: Attract talent outside the company

    Far from traditional hiring methods, you can attract and retain new talent for the company by actively looking for new technology leaders, who work in companies born in the digital age. These talents are usually digital natives, so the handling of these new technologies can be very fluid in areas such as data, digital design or digital marketing .

    Key 5: Choose candidates wisely

    There are many resources that allow recruiters to understand practices such as user experience design and data science. Also, the right career frameworks that allow HR managers to hire the people who are really right for the job. These skills can also be applied when it comes to wisely relocating current company workers.

    The right employees for training programs will be those who show a drive and passion for the job they want to train in. Thus, working with the leaders of each department is a way to identify these candidates eager to learn and fill new positions. It is also essential to look for employees who have good problem-solving skills and the implementation of new solutions.

    Key 6: Immersive courses

    These full-time courses are associated with companies large and small. They allow you to build custom projects in which students work for periods of time such as a year, as part of their training.

    This is a very smart way to take advantage of these trainings, as they save companies an estimated $20,000 per project. This is because, within the same course, design, data and technology tools are used for the implementation of projects that boost companies.

    In short, for a company that is ready to find good talent, it is necessary to open up to all possibilities. Sometimes, this technological talent is hidden in company workers who, because they are in other areas, have not had the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities.

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