Technological and training trends that will sweep in 2023

Gemma Ytchart 10/01/2023

    With the arrival of the new year come the novelties and technological trends that will mark the proceeding of the next 12 months. In this sense, there are many changes in terms of technology, the IT sector and talent and resource management.

    In this article we are going to analyze what are the main technological and training trends of 2023.

    Technology trends for 2023

    The technological world is immense, and everything in it is interconnected. For example, we cannot talk about the development department without taking into account human resources or personnel management.

    That is why more and more companies are using specific methodologies, such as the Agile methodology, to manage all company resources as effectively as possible.

    Next, we will break down the main trends in this sector so complex and, at the same time, so necessary for the correct development of current companies.

    Technology trends: Agile methodology

    One of the main trends for 2023 is the use of Agile methodology. It is a different way of working and organizing the management of a company.

    The way it works is very simple. It is dedicated to segmenting the project into small parts, which must be completed and delivered in a short time. In this way, the objective is to develop high quality products and services that are able to respond to the needs of customers and do so in the shortest possible time.

    Among the main advantages of this method of work, we can highlight the following.

    • Improves the quality of the product or service. By minimizing errors, having a short time frame, but according to the tasks necessary to be delivered, improve the experience and functionality for the customer.

    • Greater employee engagement
      . This methodology requires teamwork, which requires a union of employees to achieve the objectives.
    • Production time is reduced. It helps reduce production cycles and shorten reaction times and decision-making within the company.
    • The productivity of the production chain is increased. Thanks to better management of resources and in a much more dynamic way, it is possible to increase production according to the specific priorities of the company.

    Due to these and other advantages, in 2023 we will see a lot of use of this methodology in the most cutting-edge companies in each sector.

    Short and intense training + e-learning

    In today’s technological environment we all need to be constantly learning new ways of working, more effective and profitable, as well as using new tools that make our work easier.

    However, the time we have is getting shorter. Therefore, in 2023 we will see a significant increase in
    short and intense training
    . In this type of training, we seek to learn much more in a shorter period of time than usual. This encourages the development of talent inside and outside the company by implementing a mentality of constant progress.

    To carry out this training, the trend will be the use of virtual platforms that improve the ability to concentrate and reduce the time required.

    One of the options that is in a clear upward trend, and will continue next year, are OpenWebinars. This type of training is ideal to obtain greater control over the human resources of the company, since you can track people and their knowledge or interests.




    Trends in the IT sector: cloud, cloud and more cloud

    As we have been seeing, all the technological trends of the coming year are focused on increasing the flexibility and productivity of companies.

    Cloud environments have long been a way to achieve these goals. However, with the development of new technologies, there are more and more formulas in which the cloud can be very useful in work and technological environments.

    That’s why in 2023 we’ll see even more cloud environments. It is not surprising that every day there are more specific trainings focused on the cloud and its different uses.

    Hyperautomation, AI and intelligent decisions

    We cannot ignore the impressive increase that hyperautomation and the implementation of AI are having in decision making.

    The number of companies implementing artificial intelligence in production processes is growing progressively, with increases in company productivity by up to 25% and costs reduced by 12%.

    Additionally, Machine Learning is gaining ground as one of the most desired advanced technologies by large corporations due to the incredible advantages it presents in different departments. These technologies are able to eliminate the human factor of ‘low value’ tasks and thus allow available human resources to be dedicated to more important tasks.

    Hyperautomation can cover all departments of companies, since it can be used in hundreds of processes, both physical and digital. The possibilities are almost endless and, in the vast majority of cases, the result is an increase in productivity and a reduction in costs.

    Other tech trends for 2023

    There will be many more trends in the tech sector that will just be implemented or will appear for the first time in 2023. Some of the most prominent are these.

    • The use of free software and the adaptation of proprietary software.
    • The use of the cybersecurity mesh.
    • The composable applications & low code.
    • Autonomous HR management, through digital documentation and CV.
    • Improved database maintenance.
    • New programming languages and improvement in the current ones.

    These are just some of the main trends in the IT sector that we will see increase over the next year. However, it is very likely that some more will emerge during the first few months.

    As we have analyzed throughout this article, there are many technological trends for 2023. However, they all agree on the same approach: increase productivity, improve resource management and increase automated processes.

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